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Showing posts from January, 2018

Emerge 1

========== Off Camera ========== Whether you call it insanity, craziness, or madness, it really is the same thing; a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.  At least that’s what it says when Kimberly Williams looks it up in the dictionary.  She does so frequently.  Hell, she even has the definition written on a sticky note and pinned to a cork board in her room at Marie’s house.  It’s a never ending reminder of who and what she is.  But Kimberly isn’t really crazy.  She just wants everyone she is crazy.  She’s truly just a sociopath; a demented sociopath.  The term “sociopath” is used to indicate that the defining feature is violation of social norms.  Now that pretty much describes Kimberly Williams to a “T”… …Kimberly has had an on again-off again relationship (mostly off) with her family, the Jones family.  For a long time Kimberly’s head had been filled with lies about Angelica Jones, the matriarch of the family and Kim