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Emerge 1

Off Camera

Whether you call it insanity, craziness, or madness, it really is the same thing; a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns.  At least that’s what it says when Kimberly Williams looks it up in the dictionary.  She does so frequently.  Hell, she even has the definition written on a sticky note and pinned to a cork board in her room at Marie’s house.  It’s a never ending reminder of who and what she is.  But Kimberly isn’t really crazy.  She just wants everyone she is crazy.  She’s truly just a sociopath; a demented sociopath.  The term “sociopath” is used to indicate that the defining feature is violation of social norms.  Now that pretty much describes Kimberly Williams to a “T”…

…Kimberly has had an on again-off again relationship (mostly off) with her family, the Jones family.  For a long time Kimberly’s head had been filled with lies about Angelica Jones, the matriarch of the family and Kimberly’s mother, so she tried to destroy her.  Then when that didn’t work Kimberly, in a psychotic fit of jealousy, kidnapped her identical twin sister Marie and tried to replace her.  But in what has to be considered a modern miracle, Kimberly managed to come to some semblance of her senses and committed herself to psychiatric treatment, not only as a goodwill gesture to a family she longs to be a part of, but also to seriously help herself.

Kimberly’s psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Warren, has granted her a clean bill of mental health but has not released her from her care.  In fact, per the order of Dr. Warren, Kimberly has had to stay with Marie and Marie’s husband, Arthur.  Marie and Arthur are at least partially responsible for Kimberly in the event she regresses.

But soon Kimberly’s status in society may be changing…

Marie and Kimberly find themselves in the office of Dr. Jennifer Warren, the head of this psychiatric clinic and Kimberly’s personal psychiatrist.  The office was painted grey, and it had only one floor-to-ceiling window, which faced the main road. On the grey desk sat a desktop computer, a notebook lying open, and a stack of papers sitting under a turtle-shaped paperweight. In a corner, the air conditioner was blasting at medium, and there was a swivel chair in the middle of the office. A bookshelf, bursting with books was in a corner, with yet another stack of papers under a paperweight that was shaped to look like a tuft of grass. A few pens were lying on the papers, but some had fallen onto the top of the bookshelf.

Think Doc will tell me that I’m not crazy anymore?” Kimberly asks with a sneaky grin on her face.

“You’re not crazy, Kim.” Marie states, shaking her head. “Dr. Warren already gave you a clean bill of mental health.”

“Yeah, yeah, that’s true, but if she was REALLY so confident in my progress, why’d she make YOU responsible for me?”


“Precisely.” Kimberly says with a snicker in her voice. “I’m still nuts, nuttier than a pet ‘coon as those southerners like to say!”

Marie sighs and shakes her head. Kimberly just laughs as she pats her sister on the back.  At that moment the door to the office opens.  They watch as Dr. Jennifer Warren enters the office.  The blonde psychiatrist is wearing a teal skirt suit with black high heeled pumps, walks over to the desk and sits down.  She looks at the women and smiles warmly, affectionately even.

“Marie, Kim!” Dr. Warren says with a delightful look on her face. “How are you two doing today?”


“Wonderful, magnificent, superb, brilliant, amazing…”

“Knock it off, sis.” Marie remarks pointedly.  Kim turns and sticks her tongue out at Marie.  Secretly, Marie is worried that Kim’s acting out will make Dr. Warren think that she is regressing, but the good Doctor doesn’t seem upset in the least by these rather odd actions.  In fact, she just laughs them off.

“It seems Kim is happy to be here!” Dr. Warren points out.

“See, Marie?  Doc doesn’t mind my childish antics!”

“I never said you were chi…” Marie shakes her head again “…I just worry about you.”

“And there’s nothing wrong with that, Marie.” Dr. Warren chimes in as she finally makes her way over to the chair behind her desk and sits down. “In fact, that’s what we’re all here for, correct?  To make sure Kimberly is doing well.”

“That’s right, Doc, and I can assure you that I have been a good girl!”

“Uh, Kim…” Marie’s voice trails off as she tries to get her attention.

“I have only THREATENED to kidnap Marie and lock her in a basement with little to no food, I haven’t actually did it this time!”

“Kim!” Marie exclaims, now more worried.

“My aim has improved ever since I started throwing things at old people!”

“Kim, stop!”

“And I promise NOT to kill anyone and make a skin out of them…it puts the oil on the skin or else it gets the hose again!”

“KIM!!!!” Marie shouts.  She half expects Dr. Warren to have orderlies coming any moment to lock up her sister after these shocking things she just said.  But instead Dr. Warren is still just laughing, much to Marie’s surprise.

“Marie, please, you really have nothing to fear.” Dr. Warren says soothingly after she eventually stops laughing. “Your sister really is fine.  She may do a good job of pretending to be crazy for the public…even for you…but it’s clear to me that she’s not crazy.  Is she a sociopath, perhaps…”

“Damn right I am!” Kimberly says with a sense of pride.

“But not enough of one to be of any true danger to the public and definitely not crazy.” She points a finger at Marie. “You and your husband should be able to vouch for that.  Has Kimberly acted strange in any way?  Has she regressed in any way that I should know about?  And don’t bother pointing out her social media antics.  I see them.  I observe her and follow her on twitter.  I know what she says and I’m not convinced she means any of it.”

“Well in that case,” she shakes her head “no, I can’t think of anything.  She’s been rather…

“Say it, sis,” Kimberly says with a wink “you know you want to!”


“Woo-hoo!” Kimberly leaps out of the chair and starts pumping her fists in the air.  She begins twerking with causes Marie to roll her eyes and sink deeper into the chair, hoping that she will just disappear into the void…

“Well, Kim, as entertaining as your dancing may be,” Dr. Warren says through a stifled giggle “I think you will be interested to know my final conclusions.”

“Oh?” Kimberly immediately stops dancing retakes her seat.  Even Marie sits back up in her chair, not sure what to expect from the good doctor.

“You’ve been under my care for almost a year.  For several months of this you called this place home.”

“I remember.  Is my poster of a shirtless Manvel still there?”

“No…” Dr. Warren again stifles a giggle “…but after your stay you were allowed to leave but only under the strict supervision of your sister and her husband.”

“Right…” Kimberly says, nodding her head.

“I’m not yet prepared to release you from my care yet…” Kimberly sighs as she hears Dr. Warren say this “…BUT I don’t think it is necessary any longer for your sister and her husband to be responsible for you.”

“Wait a minute,” Kimberly immediately perks up upon hearing this “so you mean I can go where I want, do what I want?”

“Within reason.” Dr. Warren remarks. “You want to be a part of society, well in society we can’t always do just whatever we want.  For example, you may not WANT to continue to come to me for psychiatric evaluation, but you have to.  It’s my order.  There are other things you cannot do either, but I have faith that you have progressed enough that you can make your own decisions, without me and without your sister.”

“Woo-hoo!” Kimberly again leaps for joy out of the chair, this time snatching a pen off of Dr. Warren’s desk.  Marie again sinks down in her chair, wishing she would disappear.

“Kimberly, you’re free from your prudish sister’s tyrannical domain!  What are you going to do now?” Kimberly announces loudly as if she were an announcer. A wicked grin crosses her face as she pauses dramatically. “Well…I’m not going to Disneyworld, that’s for sure…I’m going to Emerge!”

On Camera

Hello again!  I, your humble sociopath, may not have walked out of the SCW End of the Year battle royal with the Adrenaline Championship, but I will EMERGE from the shadows of darkness!  I will EMERGE from an abyss of eternal damnation!  I will EMERGE from the closet and…

….oops, now THAT certainly came out wrong!

Anyway, I am going to EMERGE, the COMPANY Emerge that is, the company that the cute dude with a last name I REFUSE To try and pronounce bought and has made into SCW’s own personal developmental territory.  And believe me, I need some developing!  At least, my psychiatrist tells me I do!

Doc Warren, this win is for you!

And I can’t thank Vanilla Skyy enough, you or Danny, I mean, seriously, you guys are the bomb for giving a certifiable maniac an opportunity like this!  I won’t let you down!  In fact, after my big first victory in Emerge, I promise to buy both of you large Vanilla Frosty’s at Wendy’s!

There!  Now I’ve bribed the bosses.  A bribe so enormous that I guarantee Drake Hemmingway and Ryan Singer can’t beat it!

Speaking of Drakey-Prude and Ryan Singer, they are my opponents in my debut match.  Oh Drakey-Prude, aren’t you so glad to see me first?  I read all of your tweets back and forth to me and I can read your like a book you naughty little boy.

That’s right, Drakey-Prude is secretly a wild, sexual beast.  I mean, come on, the proof is in the pudding!  What do you think he means when he keeps saying he wants to “purify” Sabrina…”purify Kandis”…”purify” little ole me?

Well guess what, stud?  You get a chance to “purify” me front or back, it doesn’t really matter to me.  I like it either way, baby!

Then there’s Ryan Singer.  Didn’t my mom set someone in your family on fire once?  Yeah, about that…um…our bad!  I promise that I will only cripple you and that I will NOT set you on fire, Ryan.  And if I do set you on fire, it will just be an arm or a leg, not your entire body.

You’re welcome.

Though I gotta say, I do feel bad for you.  You got Drakey-Prude as your tag team partner.  That’s gotta suck.  All he wants to do is sit at home and knit sweaters all day long while watching reruns of Happy Days.  But then again, if I’m right about Drakey-Prude’s secret sexual aggression, then he may try to do nasty things to your buttocks.  I mean, either way you are in a real jam, my friend.

I’d say something along the lines of “sorry about your damn luck” but I’m afraid I’d be sued for gimmick infringement, so I’ll decline.

That brings me to another advantage I have over you two and that is my new BFF Mika Kozlov.  She is my BFF and my tag team partner for this match and you have to admit, we were made for each other!  This is a match made in heaven…

…or hell…depending on your perspective…

…or purgatory, if you’re Catholic.

Point is, me and Mika are one and the same!  Except for minor things like I’m not Russian but I’d love to learn the lingo!  I’m sure Mika will teach me after the two of us strangle the life out of you, cripple you, and just plain gut you two like a couple of fish!

See ya soon, boys!


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