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Showing posts from February, 2018

Emerge 2

========== Off Camera ========== We open in a seedy bar just inside the city limits of Boston, Massachusetts; the seat of power of the Jones Wrestling Dynasty. Some might call this particular place a dive, but whatever you call it, this is definitely not the place where the upper class crowd gathers for a drink.  At this particular dive we find bikers, gangsters, and a few loners here and there either trying to drink away their problems or trying to pick up a woman, and failing unsuccessfully at one or the other or both.  A pool table is in the center of the bar where the bikers are gathered for a hearty game.  A few of the gangsters stand off to the side, watching from afar, while everyone else is just drinking it up and having a good time. The bar area itself looks like any other, with various patrons seated atop the plain wooden stools.  There are no cushions on these stools.  This dive either cannot afford them or the owner is just too cheap to upgrade.  Sitting