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Emerge 2

Off Camera

We open in a seedy bar just inside the city limits of Boston, Massachusetts; the seat of power of the Jones Wrestling Dynasty.

Some might call this particular place a dive, but whatever you call it, this is definitely not the place where the upper class crowd gathers for a drink.  At this particular dive we find bikers, gangsters, and a few loners here and there either trying to drink away their problems or trying to pick up a woman, and failing unsuccessfully at one or the other or both.  A pool table is in the center of the bar where the bikers are gathered for a hearty game.  A few of the gangsters stand off to the side, watching from afar, while everyone else is just drinking it up and having a good time.

The bar area itself looks like any other, with various patrons seated atop the plain wooden stools.  There are no cushions on these stools.  This dive either cannot afford them or the owner is just too cheap to upgrade.  Sitting at the bar area with a nearly empty glass of scotch is none other than the self-proclaimed “woman scorned” Kimberly Williams.  Kimberly is wearing torn denim jeans, flip flops, and a black t-shirt with “Kimmie” written on the front in hot pink lettering.

Kimberly is a dangerous woman even when she’s under strict supervision, but just recently she’s been unleashed.  Per the order of her psychiatrist, Dr. Jennifer Warren, she can live on her own, act on her own, do what she wants (within reason) without having to answer to anyone.  She is free.

But with freedom comes a sense of responsibility.  Kimberly used to know that she could do just about anything she wanted and if she ever got out of line someone would bail her out (literally bail her out of jail if necessary).  But now things have changed.  She is responsible for her own actions.  It truly is a sobering thought.  And what does one do when faced with a sobering reality?

Many, including Kimberly, will grab a beer.

Kimberly has already had plenty in her system and is about to ask for more as she takes her shot glass and quickly downs the last of the scotch.  She slams her glass back down and shoves it forward towards the bartender.

“More, please!”

The bartender had been busy chatting with another patron when Marie interrupts his conversation.  He turns and looks at the empty scotch and then back up at Kimberly, into her face of mischief.  He smirks and shakes his head.

“I think you’ve had enough.”

“Oh come on Willy!” She reaches into her pocket and produces a scrunched up wad of bills.  It’s unclear how much money is here due to how wadded up they are but she shoves all of it in the direction of the bartender. “Isn’t my money green enough for ya?”

The bartender looks down at the cash and then back up at Kimberly.  He considers rejecting her again.  She’s had a lot to drink, that is for sure.  He probably should stop her tap from pouring right now.  But that cash DOES look green enough to him…

“Sure, I think I can help you out.” He takes the cash and pockets it.  He then takes her glass and goes to refill it.

“Hey, don’t I know ya from somewhere?”

Kimberly smirks.  She doesn’t recognize the voice nor does she recognize the trim, brown haired gentleman who sits down next to her at the bar, but she is certain that he may recognize her from television.  Or at least, he thinks he recognizes her.  No one knows who the hell Kimberly Williams is outside of her being the sociopathic twin sister and somewhat unstable sidekick to Marie Annabelle Jones.  But everyone knows Marie Annabelle Jones; former GCW World Champion, UWA World Champion, and SCW United States Champion.  Kimberly’s sister has quite a list of accomplishments and is quite well known.

Plus she and Kimberly happen to be identical twins.

“Maybe…” Kimberly’s voice trails off as the bartender passes her a refill of the scotch.  Kimberly tips it back and takes a big slurp.  Her visitor chuckles.

“Well, wherever I know you from, you’re quite a drinker!”

“And you’re a handsome stud muffin yourself.” She winks.

“Stud muffin?” His face turns beet red. “Uh, thanks?”

“Don’t mention it.” She leans over and plants a kiss on his lips. “Like…ever.”

“Ok, but…” he is stunned slightly from the kiss but then he slowly gathers himself and he studies Kimberly intensely and his face begins to light up almost like a tree on Christmas day “…wait!  I know how I know you!”

“About time.” Kimberly says, rolling her eyes.

“You’re Kimberly Williams!  From Emerge!”

“Kimberly?” She scoffs and shakes her head. “Oh no, no, no…I’m not Kim, not that psychopath.”

“Yes you are.” He points to her shirt, the one that reads “Kimmie” on the front. “It says so on your shirt.”

“Yeah, if my shirt read ‘Syren’ would that make me a dirty slut with at least five sexually transmitted diseases?”

The man chuckles again. “Ok, fair point.  So maybe I should just start things out by introducing myself…” he extends a hand “…my name is John Ortiz.”

“Hello, John.” Kimberly reaches out her hand. “My name is Marie, Marie Annabelle Jones.”

John’s eyes grow wide. “Marie Jones?  THE Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling from Supreme Championship Wrestling?”

“That’s the one.”

“Wow…” his voice trails off “…just, wow…”

“Oh don’t act too star-struck.  It’s not cool.”

“You’re right.” He chuckles uneasily as he tries to regain his composure and act ‘cool’. “Uh, may I buy you a drink?”

“If you hadn’t noticed,” she smirks as she holds up her scotch “I already got one.”

“Oh, right…”

“But there is something you can get me.” She takes another sip and places her glass back on the bar. “You could go out and get me a cab.  “I shouldn’t be drinking and driving, you know?

“Oh of course not.” He immediately gets up. “I’ll go do that right now.

“You’re a doll.” Kimberly watches as he walks off.  The bartender approaches her and grins.

“So, Kimberly, why did you tell him you were Marie?”

“I have my reasons, Willy.”

“What are you going to do now?”

“Oh, I’m going to have some fun with him.”

“Just don’t do anything illegal, ok?”

“Trust me, Willy.” Kimberly winks at the bartender before hopping up off of her stool and walking off.

On Camera

Chaos is much more fun than normality.  I enjoy and operate better under chaotic conditions than I do under normality any day of the week.  Just ask Drakey-Prude and Ryan Singer, who found out first hand just how much of a monster I can be under the conditions of chaos.

That’s why this little championship tournament thingy that our braintrust operating things here in EMERGE set up really and truly seems to benefit me the most.  It gives me the most advantage.  I could be required to go through the roster one by one under standard rules, but where’s the fun in that?  Chaos is much more fun and as an agent of chaos, fatal four ways are to my advantage and are just so damn fun!

Now I’m not going to sit here and threaten to do any pencil tricks or some bullshit like that.  It’s so passé and would be just a case of me beating a dead horse and I don’t beat the dead horse.  It’s completely impractical.  But beating Jason Dillinger, Kandis, and Chris Staggs half to death IS very practical!  It’s practical because there’s something that I want…

…championship gold.

It’s been far too long since I’ve held gold.  The last time I was a champion of any sort it was a tag champion, so really I’ve been viewed as a sidekick for too long and I am so much more than that.  I am fully capable of dominating a company as its singles title holder.  I’ve done it before and I can do it again.  These other victims…because that’s what they are…they are just obstacles in my path.

Obstacles that I intend to destroy with the Shadowblade.

I love Krazy Kandis, I have fond memories of her and me and Sabrina driving Drakey-Prude out of his prudish little mind.  She is a cool chick but unfortunately she stands in my way; she is just another obstacle.  And I plan to kick her ass…and yeah, there’s a lot of ass to kick, but I can dish it out.

Jason Dillinger could be a tough challenge if he actually bothers to take time away from posting soft porn of himself on social media.  And people accuse us ladies of being twitter whores with our racy photos?

Step aside, Jason, and go back to your twitter fun. Let a real warrior do her thing.  Mkay?

Chris Staggs may have been surprisingly impressive so far but even the blind slightly retarded squirrel can find the nut sack every once in a while, maybe you can find Jason Dillinger’s since he likes to let his hang out on social media all the time, but while you two play footsie I’ll be busy claiming my spot in the championship match.

Out of my ladies and germs.  Kimmie is coming to hunt.


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