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Showing posts from July, 2018

Emerge 9

========== Off Camera ========== “Hellllllllooooooo?” Kimberly Williams comes prancing (yes, prancing) into her living room which is decorated rather hideously with shabby, battered armchairs, a gate legged table with chipped Formica, a torn and worn lazy boy recliner, stained canvas chairs, dented and scratched pine table.    This living room is decrepit, stinking, reeking in cigarette burns.   In other words, it is Kimberly Williams up one end and down the other. The self-described sociopath and “Woman Scorned” seems overly happy right now.   If you focused entirely on her EMERGE career you might wonder why she is so happy.   She hasn’t managed to make many waves ever since failing to defeat Peyton Rice in the Emerge championship tournament. She’s been wallowing in mediocrity, barely treading water.   She went from main eventing Emerge to facing Ryan Singer and barely making the show.   She recently failed in her opportunity to cash in on a shot at the EMERGE Cham