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Emerge 9

Off Camera


Kimberly Williams comes prancing (yes, prancing) into her living room which is decorated rather hideously with shabby, battered armchairs, a gate legged table with chipped Formica, a torn and worn lazy boy recliner, stained canvas chairs, dented and scratched pine table.   This living room is decrepit, stinking, reeking in cigarette burns.  In other words, it is Kimberly Williams up one end and down the other.

The self-described sociopath and “Woman Scorned” seems overly happy right now.  If you focused entirely on her EMERGE career you might wonder why she is so happy.  She hasn’t managed to make many waves ever since failing to defeat Peyton Rice in the Emerge championship tournament. She’s been wallowing in mediocrity, barely treading water.  She went from main eventing Emerge to facing Ryan Singer and barely making the show.  She recently failed in her opportunity to cash in on a shot at the EMERGE Championship when she was eliminated from the gauntlet match.

Yet here she is, prancing into her living room with a shit-eating grin on her face.  She energetically skips into the center of the room and flops down onto the raggedy green sofa that has been eaten up by bugs.  She doesn’t care about the appearance, its ugliness, or her downward spiral in Emerge.  She’s happy.

She’s genuinely happy.

“Oh Johnny!  Where are you?”

The ‘Johnny’ she is referring to is John Ortiz, the man whom most would consider her boyfriend.  It would be her first real boyfriend ever, though they do not consider themselves a couple.  John says Kim is his companion, nothing more and nothing less. Despite what John Ortiz thinks of their relationship status, Kimberly still feels happier than ever.  Ortiz makes her feel special.  He makes her feel unique.

“Hey, John Boy, get your ass out here!”

Right now she is waiting on the arrival of her lover boy (or companion, if you listen to John Ortiz).  She expected him to be here when she got back from training, training for a match against Ryan Singer at the next Emerge Invasion event.  He usually is there waiting on her.  He never stays but he is always there at least for a little while.  Thus Kimberly has come to expect his presence when she returns home from her day’s errands.


Kimberly sits up and looks around, scanning the room curiously with an arched brow, wondering where John Ortiz may be hiding.  She is used to John pulling stunts like this.  Hiding and trying to trick her; playing mind games.  That’s how they got together in the first place.  Kimberly met him at a bar and tried to get him drunk and have her way with him but he turned the tables on her and drugged her instead.  Kimberly attempted to redeem herself in a hotel room but again Ortiz got the jump on her and drugged her, leaving her unconscious for a second time.

It was strange that they would hook up in that manner, but Kimberly was turned on by the mere fact that there was someone out there who could outdo her or at least match her in mind games.  That’s why she has always gravitated towards the likes of Abigail Lindsey and even flirted with the idea of aligning herself with Mika Kozlova.  She wanted to learn from the best, she wanted to learn from John Ortiz, and despite the fact that John told her that they were just “companions”, she knew better.

She knew that they were a couple.

“Johnny?  Give it up!  Let’s skip to the part where you drug me and we do the nasty, ok?”

Kimberly waits for a response but there is no answer.  It is at that time that she spots a white folded up piece of paper on the dusty table in front of the sofa she is sitting on.  She reaches over and picks it up.  She unfolds it and notices there is writing on it; the handwriting is John’s…

…Kimberly reads the letter out loud…

Kimberly Francis Williams,

I regret to inform you that our partnership is now at an end.  I wish I could say I hated to cut you off and cast you aside like this but I would be lying.  I feel little to nothing in terms of emotion, any longer, not even for you.  The point is, I am wasting my time.  I thought you would be a good student, someone who could learn from me but you clearly are not interested in anything I have to offer.  The evidence is in the fact that you consider me your boyfriend.

I told you at the start of our relationship that you were my companion; not my girlfriend.  If I were to be brutally honest with you, Ms. Williams, a girl like you will never have a boyfriend; or even a girlfriend, for that matter, if you decided to try things from the lesbian perspective.  No one, male or female, would ever trust themselves with you because you are too unstable.

You will no longer see me.  I will return to my former life of drifting, finding a new companion, one who will be far more suitable than you.

-John Ortiz-

Kimberly gently puts the letter back down on the table and leans back in the sofa.  She stares blankly ahead, stoic and emotionless, almost as if she hasn’t fully taken in what she just read.  Slowly, with her right hand, she reaches into her pocket and produces her favorite knife.  She stares at it blankly at first but before long tears form in her eyes.  An angry glare forms across her face as the tears flow freely now.  Kimberly then brings the knife down hard and repeatedly onto the letter.


Kimberly throws the knife aside, picks up the letter, and tears it apart.

“I never needed you anyway!”

She overturns the table in an angry rage and then drops down to the floor on her knees, crying…

“I never needed you…I never needed you, Johnny…and I’m going to prove it…”

On Camera

You know, last time we had an Invasion it was in Chicago and I actually had a somewhat important match against a Dillinger….and I mean the wrestler not the gangster….since then I screwed up my chance to show the world that I’m not the monster they think I am when I let down Peyton Rice and everyone else, allowing her to get pile driven and nearly costing Vanilla her job, I screwed up an opportunity to become Rush Champion, and I most recently screwed my opportunity to earn a shot at the EMERGE Championship itself.

In short, I’ve been nothing but a screw up.

Now we’re heading to the next Emerge, we’re inching oh so close to Rise To Greatness, where everyone is trying to up their game.  Everyone is trying to perform at their very best. Everyone wants their own marquee match.  But me?

I’m facing Ryan Singer.

It’s nothing against Ryan Singer.  Quite the contrary, I’m honored to even get the chance to face him.  But let’s face facts, neither of us have been doing very well lately.  Neither Singer nor yours truly have lived up to the expectations of our peers.  In all honesty, the way I started off in Emerge, I should be in the title match right now at Rise To Greatness.

Instead I’m stuck with Ryan Singer.

Here’s the dealio, Billio…I know, you’re not a “Bill”, but please bear with me, dude…you and I are in similar situations.  We both need this win; hell, we need to do more than just win. We need to win and win decisively to prove to Vanilla Skyy that we’re not a waste of time and space on this roster.

You need this just as badly as I do, I understand that, and that’s why I am grateful to my uncanny ability to just flip the switch…call me crazy, call me a sociopath, you may be right on both counts, but I can flip a switch and turn off the emotions and not give a damn about anything or anyone.

I have flipped that switch.

When we roll into the next Emerge I am going to fucking destroy you. I am going to rip you limb from limb…literally, if I have to, because I could lock you in my patented submission move, Scorned, and rip your legs out of their sockets.  However I choose to do it, the end result will be you maimed.  The end result will be you beaten and humiliated in front of the world.

Most importantly, Ryan, the end result will be me striking just a little bit of fear into the hearts of the Emerge roster.  Granted, maybe “striking fear” is too strong a term to use, but they will damn sure respect me, they will damn sure recognize that I am not slipping, that I am STILL a threat in the ring.  They will realize all of this when they see your broken and bloody remains in the ring after I am done with you.

Because I have flipped that switch and I really don’t care right now what happens to you.  I care what happens to me.  I’m ready to get my career back on track whether you or anyone else likes it or not.


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