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Showing posts from January, 2019

Making Things Right

========== January 16 th , 2019 Off Camera ========== The Sleep Train Arena is bustling with action and excitement as Breakdown is coming to a close.   The night was capped off with a massive brawl between allies of Katya and allies of Sasha as tensions continued to mount heading into Making Things Right, a night that would decide the balance of power in Supreme Championship Wrestling.   Kimberly Williams, though, has no dog in this fight.   Her night at Making Things Right involves a battle royal to determine a number one contender to the Adrenaline Championship; a title held by Ravyn Taylor, an ally of Kim’s identical twin sister Marie Jones. Kimberly doesn’t know what her sister expects of her in this battle royal.   Does she try to win or just try to eliminate potential threats to Ravyn?   Secondly, if she does win, does she try to defeat Ravyn or just let Ravyn win?   Kimberly isn’t quite sure what her sister is thinking nowadays.   Kimberly thinks this alliance