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Emerge Invasion - LA

Off Camera

The sky of just an hour previously was too bright, garish around the brilliant clouds. The coldness of the bench under the moonlight feels right beneath worn denim, the remnants of a rain shower soaking in and beading the fading green paint to either side. At last the shrill cries of the daytime, the happiness presence of faces, or even the ability to appear indifferent has passed.

Just the way Kimberly likes it.

“Come out, come out, wherever you are!”

Kimberly Williams is creeping ever so quietly across this park.  The bushes and trees were almost silhouettes, the blackest of greens. The path was the only pale thing stretching into the wooded gloom.  Then the wind died, the leaves ceased to rustle, even the rumble of traffic was absent. In those frozen seconds Kimberly could hear the crunch of dried twigs under boot, just enough to give her the location of her quarry.


Kimberly jumps over a bush and turns just slightly so that she spots her visitor…a woman who happens to be her half-sister, Jessica Lasiewicz.

Kimberly and Jessica share the same mother, the wrestling legend and former two time SCW World Tag Team Champion and former SCW Television Champion Angelica Jones.  They have different fathers; Kimberly and Marie share Sean Williams as a father whereas Jessica’s father, who happens to still be alive, is also a wrestling legend, Andreas Lasiewicz.  The two women could not be more different.  Whereas Kimberly is always quick to joke, Jessica doesn’t have much in terms of a sense of humor.

The scowl on her face tells that story.

“I am glad that you are having fun, Kimberly.”

“Oh I am having a blast, Jessie!  I mean, I love meeting strange people in a dark, spooky place like this!” She touches Jessica on the nose. “And you don’t get much stranger than a cute Polish girl who thinks she’s Satan.”

“You’re walking on thin ice.”

“Oh, sorry…the cute Polish girl who thinks she’s related to Jesus.”

Jessica rolls her eyes and turns to walk away. “This was a mistake.  Goodbye.”

“No, wait!” Kimberly rushes over and jumps in front of Jessica to stop her in her tracks. “I’m sorry, sis, I just get out of hand sometimes, you know?”

“You get out of hand quick a bit, Kimberly.  I still recall when you kidnapped Marie.  Were you just ‘out of hand’ then?”

Kimberly sighs and nods her head. “Yeah, I remember that; it wasn’t one of my proudest moments.  But I have changed, Jess. I am a different person now.”

“Yet you still act like a psycho.  You still chant ‘stabby, stabby’ over and over at your opposition.  How am I to know that you truly have changed?”

“You can’t.” She shakes her head. “You just have to give me a chance, but the fact that you did want to meet me, the fact that you of all people did contact me, that means the world to me.  It means you’re giving me a chance and that’s all that I ask.”

“You’re right, I am giving you a chance.  Some might think that it’s hypocritical of me to give you a chance, considering the fact that I am pure and I preach purity, with you being just about as impure as humanly possible.”

“Yup, that’s me!” Kimberly declares proudly.

“But there’s more to purity than just shoving a belief system down everyone’s throat.  That’s not what I’m here for.”

“Then what are you here for?” Kimberly asks with an arched brow.

“Is your change of heart legitimate?  That’s what I want to know.  I want to see it for myself.  So tell me, Kimberly, what made you go from a raging psycho to placing yourself on the path to purity?”

Kimberly smirks knowingly and then shakes her head.

“Jess, I’ll be perfectly honest with you, I don’t think I’ll ever be as pure as you.  No offense, I question your purity; Drakey-Poo’s as well.  Anyone who claims to be pure is lying, in my opinion.  There’s always skeletons in our closet that we keep hidden. Just a matter of whether or not we’re willing to own up to them and face them down, you know?”

“Fair enough.”

“And I have faced my demons.  I stared into the mirror of my soul and saw the ugliness, I saw the blackness…” she shrugs “…or it could’ve been what I saw in the toilet after Taco Tuesday…”

“Get to the point!” A frustrated Jessica exclaims.

“Point is I know who I am and I have accepted who I am.  But who I am and what I have done are two different things. I know what I did in the past and I regret it. Can I change it?  Can I turn back the clock and fix everything I did wrong?” She shakes her head. “No, I can’t.  And I’m not just talking about letting my on again off again bestie Mika beat the crap outta Pey-Pey.  That did bug the crap out of my conscience but what really bothered me and has been bothering me for a long time now are the crimes I perpetrated against Marie.”

Tears form in the eyes of The Woman Scorned. “I kidnapped her, I tried to take over her life; she says she forgives me, but I can’t forgive myself.”

“Forgiving yourself can be challenging.” Jessica places a hand on Kimberly’s shoulder. “The best starting point is making up for your past sins.  Penance…”

“Yeah, I know.  I thought about trying to join that thingy the rest of you Jones girls call church.  But I’m not sure if God is ready to accept me.”

“Church is a hospital for sinners not a hotel for saints, Kimberly.”

“As good as that sounds, I still don’t think I’m ready.” She shakes her head. “What I feel I can do to make up for my past involves embracing who I am.”

“What do you mean?” Jessica asks with a puzzled look on her face.

“Marie did her best to make me normal.  And believe me, Jess, she came so close, but I’ve come to the conclusion that normal is but an illusion.  One person’s normal is another person’s chaos.  But that doesn’t make them bad.  Case in point, I don’t think many people would consider you and Drakey-Poo to be ‘normal’ but are you inherently bad?”


“Exactly.  The devious, deranged, imbalanced, yet so damned adorable sociopath persona that is The Woman Scorned is who I am.  I cannot change that nor should I try.  But I can use my skills for good.  That’s what Marie ultimately did for me.  She didn’t make me normal, no one can.  She made me good.”

“Well that’s a start.”

“But I’m not Marie’s kind of good.” Kimberly shakes her head. “I’m not the type of person to play by the rules.  I never will be that kind of person.  The people who make the rules are often the worst offenders.  Good and bad goes beyond the rules.  I’ll fight for good, Jess, believe me on that, but I won’t do it within the confines of the rules society sets up for me.  I’ll do it within my own rules.  I am Kimberly Williams and I will always follow my own rules.”

Jessica’s scowl slowly turns into a knowing grin. “That’s good, sister.  That means I can trust you going forward.”

“Sister?  So I go from Kimberly to sister in just a few minutes?  That IS progress!”

“Don’t push it.” She extends a hand. “I need more people I can trust.”

“And you’re going to trust me?” Kimberly reacts, stifling a laugh. “What happened to Marie?”

“That’s the problem.  I’m not sure I can trust her.”

Kimberly frowns as she recalls her own run-in with Marie a few days ago.  “You don’t say?”

On Camera

Gauntlet?  This is just perfect for someone like me.  This is a match that was practically made for someone as sick and twisted as me.   You know why me being sick and twisted makes me perfect for this gauntlet match?

Because I can take a lot of abuse, I can take a lot of punishment, and enjoy every little stinking bit of it!  You can keep stomping me into the canvas and I’ll keep getting back up and coming back for more because I thrive on the violence and the pain!

And that’s what you need to win a gauntlet match, ladies and germs.  You need someone with endurance and that person is me.  All of my opponents may thrive on dishing it out but they can’t take it as well as I can.  And what makes me dangerous is that I can do both.  I can dish it out and I can take it.

You know what else makes me dangerous in a match like this?

My desire.

I came so damn close to beating the current champion Peyton Rice in the semi-finals of the championship tournament.  I pushed her to her limits.  I pushed her farther than anyone else has pushed her; more than even Dylan Cent. 

I came so close to winning the RUSH Championship.  Hell, I did all the work and Gavin Taylor took advantage.  I should be champion right now!

Well I’m through coming close.  I’m also finished with this notion of trying to prove myself here in EMERGE.  Fact is, I’ve already proven myself.  You may deny it because you think I’m crazy, and maybe I am a little unbalanced, but the fact is that you are just lying to yourself if you try to say that I am not a legitimate threat and force in this industry.

Now I’m ready to take home some gold.  And if I have to permanently scar and maim four other individuals to get an opportunity at the gold, then I’ll do it and I’ll do it with a smile, because remember who the hell you are dealing with.

You are dealing with Kimberly Williams, The Woman Scorned.


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