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Emerge Invasion - CHICAGO

Off Camera

“Yeah, it’s the LaQuinta Inns and Suites…” Kimberly rolls her eyes as she strolls around her hotel suite “…or some shit.  I don’t know, I just know I’m in Chicago.  Isn’t that all that matters, Marie?”

Kimberly seems slightly more distracted than usual as she speaks with her iPhone pressed up against her ear to her sister Marie.  And for Kimberly, that must be a ton of distraction.  Or perhaps the better word would be agitation?  Kimberly hasn’t been her fun loving jovial self ever since the last Emerge.  One might assume that it would have to do with the fact that she lost to Peyton Rice and now is out of the running for the Emerge Championship.  Yes, that does have something to do with it, but at the end of the day there are other things that are bothering The Woman Scorned; things that might, to most observers, would call a surprise that it would bother a self-described sociopath.

Things such as love, friendship, and caring do not typically bother a sociopath all that much.  But in the case of Kimberly Williams, she seems to care about someone.  Is it a case of Kimberly desiring a friendship or love for this individual or is she just merely intrigued by this man, a man who outsmarted and outfoxed her the last time they met; a feat that, for Kimberly Williams, thought impossible.

Kimberly Williams is staying at a LaQuinta Inns and Suites at Chicago, Illinois for the next Emerge event.  Emerge Invasion: Chicago will feature, among many other high profile matches, Kimberly Williams facing off against Jason Dillinger.  Though from talking with her you might question whether or not she really cares about that match or even Dillinger himself.  Her focus seems to be on another individual.  The man who drugged her back in Boston and tied her to a bed.  A man she had hoped to have fun and games with but whom turned the tables on her and had fun with her.

John Ortiz.

“Yes, Marie, I know that I have a match against John Dillinger.” She rolls her eyes again. “John Dillinger, Jason Dillinger, what’s the difference?  Actually, I take that back.  John Dillinger was a far more entertaining individual.  He had tons of charisma, unlike Jason.”

Kimberly suddenly starts laughing as she walks over and jumps onto her king sized bed.

“You give him too much credit, babe.  Jason Dillinger is just a glorified swimsuit model.  John Dillinger is much cooler.  He robbed banks, he escaped from prison, he was involved in shootouts, and…” Kimberly sighs “…fine, maybe I AM a little distracted.  Yes, I want to rebound after losing to dull Peyton Rice.  I also want to kick Dillinger’s ass for thinking he can mock me.  But to be perfectly frank, sis, Jason Dillinger is of secondary importance.”

Kimberly arches an eyebrow. “Yes, I said he was of secondary importance…does it really matter who I think is more important than that piece of shit?” Kimberly sighs. “Fine…it’s Ortiz.”

Kimberly takes the phone off of her ear and holds it away from her face.  Marie’s shouting on the other end can be heard.  Kimberly starts giggling uncontrollably.  Clearly she’s pissed off Marie enough already and she doesn’t want to give her any further reason to be angry.  After Marie’s shouting on the other end dies down she puts the phone back to her ear.

“Calm down, sis.  I know you think John is a bad dude, I know you think he’s too dangerous, but you forget who I am.  Before good ole’ doc Warren got me some much needed help, I nearly destroyed our family all on my own.  Not to mention I murdered Emma Storm, the bitch who separated the two of us at birth.  So don’t you think I can handle myself against Mr. Ortiz?”

Kimberly continues to listen to what must be Marie’s lecturing and further shouting for several more moments.  Kimberly sighs and just nods her head.

“Fine, I’ll be careful.  I promise.  And I’ll take that Dillinger idiot seriously at Invasion.  Ok?  Yeah, love you too, sis…goodnight…”

Kimberly hangs up and then tosses her iPhone to the side. She rolls off of the bed and walks over to the mini-fridge.  She opens it up and produces a bottle of wine.  Kimberly isn’t normally one for wine but tonight is a special occasion.  She pops the top and pours herself a glass of the red wine.  She then puts the wine up, takes her glass, and starts drinking.  A wide ear to ear grin forms on her face.

“I know you’re in here, sweetie.  So come out, come out, wherever you are.”

The closet open up and John Ortiz emerges.  A smug, confident grin is on his face as he approaches Kimberly Williams, hands in his pockets, without any fear of reprisal for breaking into her room.

“How long did you know?”

“From the start.” Kimberly says with a cocky grin. “You left enough clues that I picked up on your presence.  Sloppy work, Mr. Ortiz.”

“I don’t do sloppy work, Kimberly.  If you are to be my companion, you’ll need to learn your place and learn who is the superior mind game artist.”

“Superior?  To moi?” Kimberly scoffs. “I KNEW you were here the whole time!  You were painfully obvious!”

“Perhaps too obvious?” John winks at Kimberly knowingly. “Perhaps I had intentionally allowed my presence to be known so that you would think you were finally getting one over on me?  Perhaps I had only wanted you to be lulled into a false sense of security?”

“For what purpose?  To do what?”

“To do this.” John pulls his hands out of his pockets.  In one hand is a syringe and he quickly injects Kimberly with something.  He releases his grip on Kimberly but the damage has been done.  Kimberly steps back and stares incredulously at John.

“What the hell was that?!”

“That, my dear Kimberly, was Ketamine.  And with the strength I gave you it should start taking effect in 5…4…3…2…1…”

Sure enough, Kimberly Williams starts to stagger, feeling very dizzy, very woozy.  She cannot stop John from taking her and tossing her roughly onto the bed.  Nor can she stop him from holding her down.  She can barely make out his knowing grin on his face.

“Don’t fret, Kimberly.  Even now I will not do anything you do not want.  I want you to be my companion but I want you to be my companion willingly.  I’m not certain others you’ve dealt with before in that sport of wrestling you participate in.  People like Chad Evans who consider Lexi Von Aaron his property.  I don’t want property. I want a companion.” John leans over and kisses her romantically and passionately on the mouth. He pulls away and, surprisingly, looks somewhat regretful. “I apologize, Kimberly.  But I could not help myself.”


“Good, because if you are to be my companion, I had to make sure you knew full well who was the teacher and who was the student; I had to remind you that while you are quite good at this art we both participate in, I am always better than you.  Do you understand?”


“Very good.” He runs his hand through Kimberly’s long red hair. “So are you ready to devote yourself entirely to me as my companion?”


“Then I also devote myself to you, my newest plaything.” John eases up off of Kimberly, but slinks down to her southern area where he undoes her pants and slowly slides them off, leaving her exposed in just her blank lace panties.  He does the same to her t-shirt, leaving her just in her black lace bra. “Now that you have willingly given yourself to me, I choose to ravage you.”

“Gre…great…but you didn’t need to drug me.  I wanted you since the first time.” Kimberly smirks as she slowly starts to fade away “So…ravage away, babe.  Ravage away.”

On Camera

My dear, sweet, Jason Dillinger; the glorified swimsuit model and soft-core porn star whose only purpose served in this company is to post half-naked pictures of yourself on twitter, hoping some stupid bimbo will drool over you and give you the attention you feel you deserve.  Like a sleazy slimy stalker you obsess over Peyton Rice, Kandis, and all the other ladies of Emerge, and they are happy to oblige and try to entertain your chauvinist, Neanderthal arrogance.

But not me.  I won’t entertain it, I won’t be nice to a complete and utter moron like you.  And maybe that’s why you have such a grudge against me?  Or maybe it’s because I already whipped your ass in a fatal four way ending your journey to the Emerge Championship before it even began?

Either way, it doesn’t take a genius sociopath like yours truly to figure out that your major beef with me is jealousy.  You are jealous of The Woman Scorned because I have already proven I am better than you and, furthermore, I am the woman you could never and will never have.  And that’s a shame, really, Jason.  It’s a shame because jealousy doesn’t suit a narcissist like you.

It didn’t suit the real Narcissus either.

The myth to which I am referring is the story of Echo and Narcissus.  One day Narcissus was walking in the woods when Echo, a mountain nymph, saw him, fell deeply in love, and followed him.  Narcissus realized he was being followed and so Echo eventually revealed her identity and attempted to embrace him.

But apparently our friend Narcissus thought he was too good for mountain nymph’s, because he stepped away and told her to leave him alone.  He rejected the poor girl.  She was heartbroken and spent the rest of her life alone until nothing but an echo sound remained of her.  He basically killed her spirit, her heart, and her soul.  He killed her reason for being.  But that’s not the end of our story.

Now let me introduce you to Nemesis, the goddess of revenge.  She learned of this story and decided to punish Narcissus. She lured him to a pool where he saw his own reflection. He did not realize it was only an image and fell in love with it. He eventually realized that his love could not be reciprocated and committed suicide.

I am The Woman Scorned, Dillinger.  So take that in for a moment.  Let that sit in your pea sized brain for a moment while I explain to you exactly what this means for you.  Scorned is a variation of revenge, which is what Nemesis is all about.  Nemesis punished Narcissus, leading to his demise.  And me, I’m going to be the one who leads you to your ultimate demise.  A demise that began when you dared to try and mock me in front of the world, when you dared to stick your nose into my business where it doesn’t belong, a demise that will end with me pealing the very flesh from your bone and leaving you a bloody, heaping mass in the center of the ring!

My loss to Peyton Rice was but a mere bump in the road.  So I won’t be the first Emerge Champion?  Big deal.  Maybe I’ll be the second, or third, or fourth?  Point is, that title will be mine in the future.  What I have proven since my time in Emerge is that I am more than just Marie’s sister and that I am more than just a fun loving sociopath.

I have proven that I am a technical wrestler extraordinaire.  I have proven that I can break your bones and maim you in many unique ways, all of which are legal inside that squared circle.  And if you think a soft-core porn star reject from the Paleolithic Period with the brain capacity of a snail and the charisma of a rock can stop me then you’re wrong.

What you can expect, Jason Dillinger, is for me to humble you at Invasion Chicago, just like Nemesis humbled Narcissus.


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