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Emerge 3

February 18th, 2018
11:40 PM EST
Off Camera

It is dark and the sound of rolling thunder can be heard outside of the vehicle of this red 2017 Ford Fusion driven by the self-proclaimed Crown Jewel of Professional Wrestling, Marie Annabelle Jones.  Softly splashing water droplets hit the car windows and the skies are overhung with a blanket of grey, so much so that Marie and her passenger, her twin sister Kimberly Williams, can barely tell the difference between the sky and clouds.  But that’s not the most immediate of concerns.  The most immediate of concerns presents itself due to the fact that Kimberly is sitting in the passenger’s seat wearing nothing but a lacy black bra and panty set with sheer stockings.

“How do you get yourself into these situations?” Marie asks of her identical twin.

“Uh…how do I uh…know…tee hee…” Kimberly giggles “…you have a purdy mouth!”

Kimberly is in a drug induced stupor; which brings up even more questions as to how she got into this situation in the first place.  Knowing Kimberly, the answer could be any number of possibilities.  Still, this is a question that her caring sibling wants an answer to; and pronto.

“Cut the crap, Kim.  I know you are at least somewhat coherent.  Try and tell me what happened tonight.”

Promise not to get mad?”

“Yes, I promise.” Marie rolls her eyes. “Just tell me.”

“Ok,  if you insist…”

February 17th, 2018
Nearly Midnight
Off Camera

Kimberly Williams only recently got released from the care of her twin sister Marie Annabelle Jones, allowing her the freedom to reenter the society as a normal person; well, at least as normal as a sociopath can be.  As part of her newfound freedom she put a down payment on a home of her own.  Marie and Arthur insisted that this was a mistake, they insisted that she continue to live with them for a few more months until she had fully acclimated with society.  But Kimberly had none of it.  She had been living under Marie’s thumb for a long time now and while she appreciated her sister had done for her, Kimberly longed for freedom, she longed to do whatever she wanted to do.

She longed to just be Kim!

The new house was just the beginning.  She joined the Emerge brand of Supreme Championship Wrestling where she has enjoyed the opportunity to hone her craft without the ever watchful eye of her sister Marie.  And on this night Kimberly felt it necessary to go out and celebrate all of her newfound joy in life.  And how does Kim choose to celebrate?

Drinking in a bar, one of the local dives in Boston, Massachusetts.  Kimberly is quite the drinker, not the ‘prude’ that she accuses her sister of being.  And it was there at this dive that she met John Ortiz.  A handsome young man and ‘stud muffin’ as she called him.  John, being a wrestling fan, immediately recognized Kimberly.  It didn’t help matters that Kimberly was wearing her t-shirt that had her name embroidered on the front.

Still, Kimberly decided to play games with John.  She insisted that she was not Kim, that she was Marie Jones, ‘the more famous sibling’, according to Kim.  It appears as if Mr. Ortiz bought her lie and even agreed to escort her back to her place on the outskirts of Boston.  After all, what gentleman would leave a lady to drive herself back home after she’s been drinking all night?

This is what brings us to the bedroom of Kimberly Williams.  This is her bedroom in her own home, not Marie’s.  And it definitely looks the part, looking run down and rough, dirty and sloppy, definitely Kim’s personality up one side and down the other.  The door to the bedroom swings open and Kimberly comes stumbling in arm in arm with John Ortiz, who does his best to hold her upright and keep her from falling.

The truth of the matter is that Kimberly, an avid drinker, is only feeling a slight buzz.  She’s only pretending to be completely out of it as part of the games she is currently playing with John Ortiz.  She intends to have some fun with Mr. Ortiz before discarding him…like her other previous lovers…

“Thanks for escorting me back to my place, big boy!” She winks at John playfully. “And thanks for coming inside for a little extra fun!”

“I don’t know about fun, Marie.  I mean, you look like you could use some sleep.”

“Sleep is for the prudish!” Kimberly declares. “And if there is one thing I am not, it’s a prude!  The night is young!  So are we!  Let’s have a blast!”

Kimberly hops, skips, and jumps away from John and over to the unmade bed.  She drops to her knees and reaches underneath, producing a bottle of Scotch that she had hidden underneath the bed.

“Want some?”

“Uh…no thanks.” John answers, shaking his head.

“Oh come on!  Of course ya do!” She sets the bottle on the bed and then goes to her nightstand. She pulls open the drawer and finds two small glasses inside. She shows them to John and winks. “Just for a special occasion like this!”

“Uh, right…”

Kimberly proceeds to take the bottle of Scotch and with her back turned to John, pours some of the alcohol into the glasses, but she intentionally makes a spill…

“Oh, poo!”  She looks back at John. “I made a boo-boo, could you go and get me a towel, darling?  The bathroom is just over there.”

“Sure, Marie.”

John immediately goes to the bathroom to find a towel.  Kimberly then proceeds to pour two more glasses of Scotch, this time putting a powdery substance into one of the glasses.  John returns with the towel before he could see the powder being poured in.  Kimberly then hands John one of the glasses, the one that had the powder mixed in.

“Cheers, stud muffin, to our new friendship?” She holds up her glass for a toast. “And be careful, this is some strong shit.”

Kimberly takes a sip of her glass of Scotch but before John can drink his glass the two are interrupted by the ringing of Kimberly’s phone.  She sighs and rolls her eyes as the tone, which is “Haunted” by Taylor Swift”, signals that this is her twin sister Marie calling.  It’s the last thing she wants right now.

“Oh God, not this!”


“It’s my sister Kim.” Kimberly says with a sigh. “She’s such a bother.”

“Just let it ring.” John suggests.

“I got a better idea.”

Kimberly sets her glass down on the nightstand and rushes over to where she dropped her cell phone.  She takes the phone and then proceeds to stop the ringing and then turns it off for good measure, ensuring her privacy with John tonight.  She walks back over to join John by the bedside and picks her drink back up off of the nightstand.

“So, what was I saying earlier? Oh yeah…cheers…” Kimberly takes another big swig of her drink.

February 18th,2 018
Early Morning
Off camera

Sunlight streams in through the open windows, hitting Kimberly Williams in the eyes.  She’s having one heck of a massive hangover right now and that is very unusual for her.  She can typically take the alcohol pretty well.  Another oddity is the fact that she is dressed in her lingerie and she never recalls getting undressed.  Even stranger is the fact that is she tied to the bed.  She definitely could not have tied herself to the bed.  So how did she get here in this position?  She barely remembers anything about last night.  She remembers bringing John Ortiz home with her with full intentions of having some ‘fun’ with the stranger.  She poured him some drugged Scotch and that was the last she remembered of the previous night.

“Huh?  Where am…”

“You’re still at your own house, Kimberly.” That’s the voice of John Ortiz as he walks back into the bedroom from the bathroom.  He is now wearing only boxers. “And yes, I know you are Kimberly Williams.  Your act could fool a normal person but not another sociopath.  I saw right through your disguise.”

Ortiz sits on the edge of the bed and kisses her on her forehead. “And nice touch trying to drug my drink, but it’s the oldest trick in the book.  You need new material, sweetie.  I used to do it all the time until it got boring.  Although this is the first time I did it to a female.”

“Wait a sec…you’re gay?!”

“I was. But then I met you.” He winks. “Now I guess I’m straight…or bi…” he shrugs “…I don’t know.  Don’t care, either.”

“Did you…” Kim’s voice trails off.

“No, I did not.” Ortiz answers, sensing what her question was. “I may be a sociopath but I do have at least some decency to know that’s wrong. Besides, I want any and all companions of mine to be willing partners.  I used to this as a game to mess with men that I liked, hoping they would be my companion.  But for you I did it as a warning.” His voice grows slightly stronger and a little angered. “Do not try that against me again.”

He kisses her on her forehead again.

“I really do hope you’ll consider my offer and become my next companion.  I think you and I would be absolutely lovely together.”

John gets up and walks over to his pile of clothes.  He proceeds to get dressed.

“Uh…wait, what are you…what about…”

“I have to leave now.  I can’t stay forever.  I have places to go and people to see.  I do hope you win your match against Peyton Rice, though.  She seems like such a dull lady. Nowhere near the quirks that make you fun and unique.  You’ll make a great Emerge Champion.”

“Thanks…but I kinda need to be let loose if I want to win, y’know?”

“True, but that isn’t my problem.  And you are the one who initially tried to drug me.”

“My bad?”

“Yes, your bad.” He chuckles as he finishes putting the last of his clothes on and starts walking towards the bedroom door.

“Wait!” Kim shouts after him. “How am I going to get out?!  I’m tied to the damn bed!”

“You’ll figure something out, you are quite a resourceful young lady.  If not your sister will be along later tonight around eleven o’clock or so to pick you up.”

“You called Marie?!” Kim exclaims.

“Of course.  If you can’t escape on your own, then you get the joy later on of explaining all of this to your sister.  You’re welcome.”

Kimberly watches as John Ortiz walks out of the door.  Kimberly then grins from ear to ear.

“I think I’m in love!”

On Camera

Pretty, pretty little Peyton Rice is my next opponent in this little tournament to crown the first ever Emerge champion.  Everything seems set up for you, all nice and neat in a pretty little package, for you to be the first champion and face of the company.  Everyone seems to want it.  It would be the storybook ending for this little company of ours.  Hell, you even have the backing and mentorship of Kelcey Wallace.  Perfection…and now you’re the new Perfection, is that it?

You can have perfection, Peyton.  You can strive to be perfect if you want but I know something that you don’t.  I know of a reality that you will be forced to deal with one of these days in the most painful of ways imaginable.

The reality that perfection does not exist.

I don’t operate under the non-existent ideal concept of perfection, Peyton.  I operate under the harsh reality of chaos.  And the truth is, chaos exists because people like you strive for perfection.  This idea, this false hope that perfection can be achieved leads to mistakes, because you count on everything going according to plan but not everything goes according to plan. Shit happens that you don’t plan for.  Things that you could not have planned for.  That leads to mistakes being made and mistakes lead to chaos.

I would suggest that perhaps we were destined to face each other due to the fact that chaos and perfection do attract one another, but that would imply something you could count on, something you can plan for.  And the truth is you can’t count on anything.

This company may count on you winning it all, Kelcey Wallace may count on you winning it all, and you may count on winning it all, but what you did not plan for, what none of you could have possibly planned for is The Woman Scorned standing in your way!  You did not and could not plan for yours truly introducing a little chaos into that grand plan of yours.

This company will not get its dream of having Peyton Rice as the Emerge Champion.  It will endure the dark days of chaos reigning supreme when I destroy their dreams and your dreams of you becoming champion.

So, Pretty Perfect, get ready to meet Pretty Chaos, The Woman Scorned, the woman who will show you the harsh realities of the hell on earth that you will have to walk through if you want to survive in this world.  This isn’t fun and games and posting pretty little pictures of yourself on social media to get your fan club drooling.  This is war.  Life is a war of survival and unless you’re willing to go down into the dark part of your soul and show me something different, show me a different part of you, then you are destined to fail and you are destined to let down those who are counting on you.

If you want any real advice, quit listening to your fan club, quit believing the hype machine and listen to me.  Throw any game plan you have out the window because chaos will reign supreme on Emerge.  Anytime you step into the ring against me, chaos is what you can count on.  And I am the supreme mistress of chaos.

And that, Peyton, is the reason why I’m so dangerous, why I’m the one person in this tournament you should fear the most.  Your ‘perfect’ plans go out the window when chaos is injected.  And no matter what happens on Emerge, the one thing you can count on is chaos ruling the day and the myth of perfection going down in a blaze of glory.


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