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House Show
February 7th, 2019
Off Camera

“Stabby! Stabby! Stabby!”

Would you be nervous if you saw a certifiable psychopath prancing and skipping around with a sharp object while giddily chanting “stabby” over and over again?  Of course you would.  You are normal, right?  Most normal people would at least be somewhat disconcerted by this kind of activity.

Yet for the superstars on the Supreme Championship Wrestling roster, it has become quite commonplace ever since Kimberly Williams made the move from Emerge to the main roster.  She had been pondering such a move for quite some time, ever since the End of the Year Open Invitational Battle Royal in which Kimberly yet again had a strong showing.  She could have returned to Emerge.  It would have been the safer move, what with all of the turmoil  in SCW combined with the fact that Kimberly knew she had been on the verge of becoming Emerge Champion on several occasions.

Kimberly has never been one to take the easy road in life.  In fact, her entire life has been a difficult struggle for survival and she knows she would have been lost were it not for one special person in her life…

...her identical twin sister, Marie Annabelle Jones.

Marie helped Kimberly overcome the majority of her psychosis, she helped Kimberly to pull herself together and to be accepted by the biological family she never knew she had.  She owes a lot to Marie and it is for that reason that she decided to leave Emerge and head to SCW’s main roster in the first place.

The power struggle within SCW has caused Marie to pick sides and she chose the side of Katya and Dark Fantasy.  Kimberly knows that Marie made a mistake and she knows that Katya and Dark Fantasy are using Marie’s desire to be world champion as a lure, almost like the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  The temptation thus far has been too great for Marie and, like a loyal soldier, has fought for Katya tooth and nail.

But Kimberly can see past it all.  She knows they are just manipulating her twin sister.  Marie needs help, whether she knows it or is ready to admit it or not, and Kimberly intends to be that help.  Unfortunately Marie has yet to see the manipulation for herself and this puts Kimberly in the awkward situation of having to protect her sister.  This past Breakdown Marie was supposed to have a world title match against Syren, the title match she was promised for being loyal to Katya, but just as Kimberly suspected, Dark Fantasy played its games and effectively cost Marie the world championship.

Though as brainwashed as Marie appears to be, she could end up blaming Kimberly.  That would be devastating to poor Kim, who has done everything she can to help and protect her sister and values the close relationship they have developed over the years.

Kimberly certainly appears to be a fun loving psychopath but at the end of the day, the irony is that she is very selfless.  She is selflessly trying to help Marie.  That is her only purpose for being in SCW.  And now Kimberly has yet another wild card she can play against Katya and Dark Fantasy.

That wild card is none other than a Trios Contract.

That’s right, it’s yet again time for the Trios Tournament.  This will be Kimberly’s first ever Trios Tournament and she’s being paired up with her former Emerge colleague Kandis and her old rival Andrew Raynes.

To say that this is a volatile team for Trios would be an understatement.  Raynes hates Kim...well, he hates everyone except Bree Lancaster, Dustin Adams, and The New England Patriots, but that’s neither here nor there...but Kimberly can put the past behind her and work towards a common goal.  As a sociopath she can flip off the emotions and ignore the rivalry she’s had with Raynes and work with him to get the job done and earn this Trios contract.  She has to.  Winning a Trios Contract would allow her to book any one match she wants.

In a year that has thus far been defined by a mighty struggle for power, owning a Trios Contract is one very powerful weapon to have.

“Stabby! Stabby! Stabby!”

The delightful sociopath continues to skip down the hall of the Alltech Arena in Lexington, Kentucky, shortly after a House Show has come to its conclusion.  Kimberly is wielding a pair of scissors which draws a few  nervous stares, mainly from referees and other officials.  Her fellow wrestlers just roll their eyes.  They realize that this is just Kim being Kim.  The Woman Scorned rounds a corner and finds a door.  Pushing the door open she finds herself entering the women’s locker room.  She approaches a wood bench with a cubby hole up above it.

“Ok Vespasian,” she says to her scissors, placing them in the cubby hole “you sit right there while I get changed.”

Kimberly pulls her gym bag down from the cubby hole and sets it onto the floor.  She reaches inside and pulls out her black t-shirt with the phrase “I Groped Mr. D” written on the front in hot pink lettering.  But there is one wrinkle about all of this that draws confusion from Kimberly.  There is a note taped to the t-shirt.

“Still playing games?” Kimberly says, reading the note out loud.  Kim’s face grows into a scowl as she stares straight ahead.  Her intensity causes her to not even notice when yet another individual enters the locker room and approaches.  It’s Kandis, her former Emerge colleague and her current Trios tag team partner.

“Kim!” Kandis greets her partner enthusiastically. “Great performance out there doll!”

“Yeah…” Kim’s voice trails off.  She is distant as she stares at the note, still taking it everything that it means.  She knows exactly what it means and who sent it.  She just finds it incredible that this is actually happening.

“So, uh, ready to go?” Kandis waves a hand in front of Kimberly’s face. “Earth to Kim?  You in there?  You ok?”

“No…” Kimberly shakes her head as she yet again lets her voice trail off “...I’m not ok.”

“Well what’s wrong?” Kandis asks, pointing to the note that she finally notices. “Whatcha got there?”

Kimberly thinks about it for just a few seconds before deciding to let Kandis read the note.  The Woman Scorned sighs as she hands the note over.  Kandis reads it quietly to herself and furrows her brow out of curiosity before handing it back.

“Still playing games? Uh, what the fuck is this?” Kandis asks curiously.

“It’s a note from none other than my fucking ex-boyfriend.” Kimberly growls angrily.  It is rare to see this kind of anger, hatred even, coming from the usually jovial psychopath but the memories of her and her boyfriend, John Ortiz, are painful ones.  They are memories that she thought she had gotten over, that she finally moved on from, after a difficult break up.  To have these painful memories come rushing back to her isn’t what she wants.

“Oh shit!  But, uh, how can you be sure it’s him?”

“It’s his hand writing.” She points to the note. “I am pretty damn good at forging people’s signatures, I’m an expert in hand writing comparisons, you kind of have to be when you decide to kidnap your sister and replace her.  Gotta mimic her in every way so no one is the wiser, even mimic her hand writing.  Know what I mean?”

“Uh...right…” it is somewhat disconcerting for Kandis to hear Kimberly talk so nonchalantly about how she one time kidnapped her twin sister Marie and replaced her.  But she pushes it to the back of her mind as she continues to listen to Kim.

“So yeah, needless to say, I know my ex boyfriend’s hand writing and that’s it.  Plus, these are the types of games we’d play with each other.  Mind know?  They are the most fun.”

A dreamy grin forms on Kimberly’s face.  Despite her anger towards John Ortiz, she does happily recall the mind games they played with one another.  To say that it was an unorthodox relationship was an understatement but to each their own and it is what made Kimberly happy.

“So who is this creep?  If you don’t mind me asking?”

“Well I probably told you too much already.” Kim pauses momentarily before a grin forms on her face. “But hey, we’re BFFs now right?”

“Uh, sure…” Kandis agrees.

“We’re partners!  So I’ll tell you.  His name is John Ortiz.”

“Is he hot?”

“Huh?  Oh, well I guess, but that’s not what really attracted me to him.  You know?  He wasn’t a terribly wealthy person or an insanely attractive guy, it wasn’t the typical stuff most ladies are attracted to.”

“So the sex then?” Kandis asks, grinning wryly.

“Well yeah, he was good in bed, but that wasn’t even the main reason I was attracted to him.”

“So if not money or good looks or even sex, then what was it?”

“His mind.” Kimberly points to her head. “Johnny boy is quite a brilliant individual.  He is one of the few people who I consider as an intellectual equal.”

Kimberly chuckles lightly. “Yeah, now I sound kinda arrogant.”

“Just a tiy bit.” Kandis says with a little laugh herself. “But it’s all good.  It’s ok to be self confident, ya know?”

“Of course!  And I had never found someone so confident and who was smart enough to be my intellectual equal!  I still remember that night when I realized how smart he was.” The dreamy look returns to Kimberly’s face as she tries to recall the good times she had with John. “I was at a bar, one of the local dives where the low-life of society tends to go to get wasted.  I met John and immediately I decided to target him as my plaything for the night…”

“Plaything?” Kandis asks curiously.

“Yeah, I was gonna drug him and have fun.  Maybe dress him up in women’s lingerie and leave him to wake up in the town square.  You know, what normal peeps do.”

“Uh...huh…” Kandis realizes this is definitely not what normal people do but she plays along for Kimberly’s sake.

“But then the most shocking thing ever happened, something that NEVER happens to me.  He managed to turn the tables and he drugged me instead!” Kimberly giggles like a school girl. “I woke up in my underwear tied to a bed.”

Kandis’s eyes grow wide in shock upon this revelation. “Did he…”

“Oh no!  He respected me too much for that.  For him it was a game.  Just as it was for me to try and get him unconscious.  He just happened to win.  And that was the nature of our relationship.  We’d try to outwit each other.  Sometimes he’d win, sometimes I’d win.  Mostly he won.  I admit, he is a little better than me at it.  I often found myself waking up in a drugged stuper.  But there were times I’d get my revenge.  It was beautiful.”

“Yeah, definitely”

“I know, it might not seem like the kinda thing you’re into, but it was fun for me.  Y’know?  There was this one time he and I helped Marie.  Her ex was an abusive drunk, that’s why they split, but he came back years later claiming he had changed, that he was different and wanted Marie to give him a chance.  Soooooo John helped me pull off the old switcheroo.”

“You took Marie’s place?”

“Uh-huh,” Kim nods her head “we went out on a date and he thought I was Marie.  I wanted to find out if he had legit changed or if he was still the same old scumbag.  If he had changed, I’d leave him alone and let Marie deal with it.  But as it turned out, he hadn’t changed one iota.”

“So what did you do?”

An evil grin forms on Kim’s face. “You don’t want to know.”


“But yeah, John helped me with that.  He was great.  He really was.”

“Well to each their own, I guess.” Kandis says, still unable to grasp the nature of their relationship. “But if you loved it so much, what happened to cause the two of you to split?”

Kimberly sighs deeply and hangs her head, almost as if in shame.  This is the hard part.  These are the memories she does not want to share.

“I should have known better, because a sociopath, a true sociopath, is disconnected from their emotions.  I used to be disconnected from my emotions.  Hell, I still can flip that switch and disconnect from my emotions.  But Marie kinda ruined that for me.  Marie helped me reconnect with my emotions.  I’ll never be normal, I mean look at me, I go around chanting ‘stabby’, I love throwing things at old people, and I wear a shirt that claims I groped Mr. D.” Kimberly chuckles. “I am far from normal but Marie introduced me to my emotions.  She made me as close to normal as I’ll probably ever be.  But John is a true sociopath.  He has no such connection to emotions.”

Tears form in Kimberly’s eyes.  “I thought of John and me as a couple, as boyfriend and girlfriend, but he kept saying I was his companion.  He never said what the fuck that meant.  He kept saying that he wanted an equal, someone who could accept his lifestyle and live that lifestyle.  He thought I was that person and once upon a time, I could have easily done that.  Shit, I would have lived that lifestyle with him if he asked me to.  But when he realized that I was in touch with my emotions he began to think less of me.  He thought of me as less of a person, he thought me weak because of my emotions, so he ditched me.”

“Did he really say all that shit to you?” Kandis asks.

“No, he wrote me a fucking letter in which he told me I was weak and I was not who he thought I was.  And I haven’t seen him since.”

“Hey, if anyone’s weak? It’s him for not being able to say that shit to your face.”

“He was my first real boyfriend.” Kimberly sighs. “Or not, because he says we weren’t.  I don’t know.”

“And he didn’t have the guts to break up with you face to face.” Kandis shakes her head. “Piece of shit. See, this is the kinda shit that makes me refuse to do relationships. It’s nothing but a game for most men.”

Kimberly gets a gleam of an idea in her eye. “You know what, Kandis, you just gave me a great idea.”

“Uh oh,” Kandis begins “I’m afraid to ask.”

“This note right here,” Kimberly waves the note “means that he wants to play games.   He wants me to try and find him.  He wants to continue our battle of wits, if you will.  Well I’m through playing games.  I am gonna track his ass down but when I find him I am going to…”

Kimberly is intense and Kandis notices it.  Kimberly thinks better of telling her tag team partner what she really plans to do once she finds John Ortiz.

“...I’m going to tell his ass off!  He thinks he can just have me back whenever he fucking likes?  He has another thing coming!”

“Good for you!” Kandis says, grinning. “Hell, maybe we can trade notes on how to track people down, you know?”

“Why?  You trying to find someone all stalkery-like the way I am?” Kimberly asks with a knowing grin.

“Not stalkery… but yeah, I am.”

“Really?” Kimberly asks, looking somewhat surprised.

“Yeah, I’m trying to find my biological family.  I grew up in foster care and decided it was time to try to find out where the hell I come from.”

“Wow, I didn’t know that.”

“I keep it quiet.” Kandis says. “I don’t like to spread it around because people will pity me and I don’t want any pity.  Not even from you, ok doll?”

“You don’t have to worry about that, Kandis.  I know where you’re coming from.  I didn’t grow up with my biological family either.  I was raised deep in the fucking woods off the grid by a sociopath.  No wonder I turned out as fucking crazy as I did, right?” A look of realization comes across Kim’s face, almost as if a light bulb went off over her head. “Hey!  Maybe you have a twin sister like me!”

“I kinda doubt that.” Kandis says with a chuckle.

“Well if you do I’ll gladly show you how to kidnap her and replace her like I did to Marie!” Kimberly says, grinning cheesily.

“Thanks for that, Kim, I know it’s the thought that counts.  But I was found as a baby in the arms of my dead mother.  She was homeless.  So I know I wasn’t a twin.”

“Wow, that sucks…but yeah, we can share ideas, share tips, and keep each other updated on how we’re doing in our searches!”

“Sounds like a good plan.” Kandis agrees, nodding her head.  “But enough of this serious, dramatic shit.  I need a drink.  Maybe some dick.”

Kimberly snickers. “I can help you with that, y’know?”

“I’m sure you could.”

Later That Evening
February 7th, 2019
Off Camera

We open in an empty hotel room in Lexington, Kentucky.  It’s far too nice for the individual who is staying here; but then again, Kimberly Williams would just assume live in a cardboard box than in the lap of luxury.  Her identical twin sister, Marie, insisted upon better living conditions.  It isn’t Kimberly’s cup of tea but she manages.

It’s a large room, far too large for just one person and that, too, is partially why Kimberly isn’t comfortable with these arrangements Marie made for them.  Lucky for Kim, she isn’t technically  “alone” in this hotel room.  In his cage that sits next to the flat screen television is her beloved hamster, Caligula.

Caligula is barely aware of anything else except his immediate surroundings, his food, and his bowl of water.  He is a hamster, after all.  Little Caligula doesn’t even bat an eye as the door to the hotel room swings open and Kimberly comes skipping in with gym bag in hand.

“Ta-Da!”  She says in a sing-song voice. “I’m baaaaaack…”

The SCW House Show concluded not too long ago.  She got a chance to touch base with one of her Trios Tournament tag team partners; the lady with all the ass, Kandis.  Once the teams were announced, Kimberly was unsure of her team’s prospects at victory.  After all, Andrew Raynes certainly has no love lost for Kimberly Williams due to the wars he’s waged against Kim and her sister Marie.  But after speaking with Kandis, and her own confidence that Raynes will be a team player in all of this, Kimberly now feels that their team may be a favorite to win it all.

Kimberly certainly has motivation to work with Raynes and Kandis to win it all.  Earning one of those Trios Contracts could skyrocket your career in one night, as it gives its owner the right to book any one match they wish.  Most have used it for themselves, to further their own careers.   Josh Hudson, for instance, used his to get a world championship match.

The Woman Scorned has no desire to use her contract (should she win it) on herself.  She hates the way Katya and crew are jerking her and Marie around but more specifically she hates how they are manipulating Marie.  Kimberly intends to use her contract for Marie’s benefit.  And maybe, just maybe, use it to restore some justice within all of SCW.  Kimberly already knows exactly how she’ll use her Trios Contract if she wins it.  She’s salivating at the chance to pull the trigger.

Ironic?  A woman who seems to operate solely within the realm of chaos, a woman who for so long was viewed as a villainous sociopath, now looks to restore a semblance of justice and righteousness.  Kimberly has definitely come a long way, she has definitely changed, and even she recognizes it.

“Caligula!” Kimberly sets her eyes upon the hamster cage and immediately makes a beeline towards it.  She opens the tiny door to the cage and reaches inside.  She brings the hamster out of his cage and walks over to the bed and lies down.  She places Caligula on her stomach and begins to stroke him.

“I missed you, Caligula!  Did you miss mommy?”

“Not really.  I had enough food that I kept myself busy.  Though I coulda used a sandwich, bitch.”

“I spoke to Kandis today at the House Show tonight, Caligula.” Kimberly beams. “She really is such a pleasant person.”

“She’s the bitch with the huge ass, right?”

“Uh-huh…” Kimberly nods her head.

“I’d hit that ass.”

“Caligula!” Kimberly gasps, feigning ignorance, despite the fact that she is the one who is speaking for Caligula. “How rude!”

“Rude?  That’s rich, coming from the psycho bitch who wears a shirt proudly declaring that she gropes the owner of the damn company.”

“Ok, you got me there.” Kimberly admits. “Still, be nice to Kandis.  She and Mr. Hate just might help me earn a Trios Contract.  And you know what THAT means, right?”

“Damn right.  It means you can book any match ya want.”

“Yup, and I know exactly what I want.”

“Bed of nails?  Yeah, have Syren wrestle on a bed of fucking nails.  Or have her doused in kerosene and then wrestle in an inferno match.  Or…”

“Uh, Caligula…”


“I don’t think SCW would approve of either idea, sweetie.” Kimberly says sadly.

“Ah shit, the bunch of pansies!  Snowflakes!  This generation has no fucking balls!  Why, back in my day, we’d just punch ya in the throat and think nothing of it!”

“Caligula, I hate to break it to you but you’re just a hamster.  Back in your day was about a year ago.” She smirks knowingly. “And as for the no balls part; look at me, I’m a chick!  Of course I have no balls!”


“Another thing happened tonight, Caligula darling.” Kimberly states.

“What?  Did Andrew Raynes fondle you?  I tell you what, that fucker is a real man!”

“No!” Kimberly exclaims. “I got a note...from a mysterious stalker…”

“A stalker?”

“Yes, none other than Johnny Ortiz himself!”

“Great, not that shit head.  He fucked up your mind when we dumped you.  You better not go back to that idiot.”

“Oh don’t worry, Caligula.” Kimberly shakes her head. “Returning to him is the farthest thing from my mind.  But I am gonna track him down.  I am gonna find him.  And when I do…”

“Stabby, stabby, stabby?”

Kimberly nods her head. “Maybe.  Or maybe something worse?  Either way, whatever I do, he’ll learn to never again fuck with Kimberly Williams because hell hath no fury like The Woman Scorned!”

On Camera


I don’t think Katya knows what the hell that word actually means yet she keeps yapping about it like the spoiled little bitch she is.  She reminds me of a fucking chihuahua dog with her constant yapping it makes me sick.  And she keeps yapping about fairness as if she knows what the hell that word means.

Fairness has nothing to do with punishing political enemies and it damn sure doesn’t mean manipulating my sister’s feelings and emotions.  Fairness is definitely not trying to screw my sister out of the SCW World Championship on what she thought was going to be the greatest night of her life.

That’s not fairness, that is complete and utter bullshit and you know it.

But then again, the people who most loudly and proudly proclaim fairness are typically the ones who are the hypocritical tin pot tyrants.  I can’t stand those hypocritical tin pot tyrants.  I want to gut them like the spineless little cowards they are and leave them in a heaping mass.

That’s also why I don’t deal in fairness.  Those who claim to be fair are usually not fair.  I deal in true fairness.  I deal in chaos.  Because let’s face it, chaos is fair.  Chaos, like justice, is blind and will reward the poor and oppressed just as much as it’ll reward the wealthy and powerful.  Chaos will destroy and ruin and regardless of socioeconomic status.

You cannot protect yourself against the effects of chaos.  No matter how rich or influential you may be, you cannot fight chaos.  You cannot win against chaos.  And that’s why chaos truly levels the playing field.

The Trios Tournament personifies chaos and I bet it just eats you up that you are not allowed to manipulate Trios in the same manner you manipulate my sister.  You cannot manipulate chaos and Trios is chaos.  You cannot pick and choose your partners.  You might end up having to work with a certifiable lunatic… me!

Or you may end up having to team with someone you absolutely hate and despise…

Hi there, Andrew!  How’s the whole embracing hate stuff going?  Peachy keen I hope!  I promise after we’re done winning Trios we can go out and fight to the death or some fun shit like that if you want, capiche?

Trios is chaos, beautiful and gorgeous chaos acting in perfect harmony towards a common goal; because the trios teams do not have to like one another.  Kandis, Andrew, and I do not have to like one another.  But for one night out of the year we have to get along and damn it we will get along because of the one thing all three of us want.

We want that Trios Contract.

And the Trios contract itself is yet another form of chaos.  It is something that even our dear fearless leader Mr. D cannot control.  Even he cannot overrule it.  The holders of the Trios contracts can book any match they want.

Anything.  That means unlimited possibilities for those of you who are academically challenged.  Now consider the possibility of yours truly obtaining a Trios contract.  Think of the deliciously deadly ideas that could come into my sadistic, sociopath of a mind.  Think of the possible ways my twisted and corrupted brain could come up with to use a Trios Contract.

That’s why I’m willing to be a team player and for one night only work hand in hand with Andrew Raynes and work hand in hand with the greatest ass in the game Kandis.  I want to have that Trios contract because when I have the Trios contract I will have the power to shake the foundations of Supreme Championship Wrestling to its core.

Kimberly Williams with a Trios Contract is the worst thing that could ever happen to SCW and your nightmares are about to come to life in a hellish way!

Fairness in SCW  is bullshit and Team Ass is going to use this Trios Tournament to replace fairness with chaos.  Complete and utter chaos will be the rule of the day in Supreme Championship Wrestling.


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