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Evil Redemption

January 3rd, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

Cramped, dim and cave-like, a cheap spindly pine framed bed was cut shorter to fit into the room with a narrow strip of carpet graying with decades of filth placed to its left.To the right of the bed was a meanly proportioned window layered in aging mould and dust, covered by twenty-something year old net curtains swaying mysteriously in the shadows. Draws were overflowing with moth-eaten clothes and bedding thriving with maggots and grime. Dirt encrusted beige wallpaper was peeling off the wall near the dented floorboards.  While this may seem unusual to most, this is how Kimberly Williams liked it.  She enjoyed living conditions such as this.  It made her feel truly at home.  Thus whenever she stays with her sister Marie she has a room prepared for her that is exactly to her liking.

Kimberly doesn’t expect this room to last very long.  A renovation will no doubt be coming now that her mental state has been completely hijacked by a voice in her head, a ghost from her past, or something…


“Damn it, Kim, you have such a stunning figure!  Why have you never taken advantage of this?”

“Because I’m not a narcissist like you.”

“Me?  A narcissist?” She feigns offense. But clearly she isn’t offended in the least as she chuckles. “I’m hurt.”

Kimberly exclaims, gazing at herself in the mirror.  The Woman Scorned is wearing a flattering, tight black dress that shows off every inch of her lovely legs, which are perched atop black patent leather high heeled pumps.  She primps and preens in front of a full length mirror in her bedroom.  This mirror didn’t used to be here; in fact, it has only been here a little over a week now.  Kimberly Williams never saw any purpose in mirrors are she never cared about her appearance.  Unlike the rest of her family, The Woman Scorned never gave a damn about the finer things in life.  Yet here she stands, admiring herself in this attire that many fashion models would admire, would kill for.

All of this is enough to make Kimberly throw up in her mouth…

“Don’t throw up, dear child.  I’d hate to have to clean up after you.”

“Then be fair and go away!  Give me back my body!”

“I cannot do that.” She shakes her head.  Kimberly, at this point reduced to simply an inner voice, is thoroughly pissed off. “Besides, you do not deserve this body.  Not yet anyway.” She blows a kiss at herself in the mirror. “You have no idea what you have, child…”

“I thought I got rid of you!”

“Well you were wrong.  I thought we went over this?  I am back and I am never leaving.”

“You can’t do that!”

“I can and I will continue to do so because it is for your own good.”

“Bullshit!  You don’t know what’s good for me!  You just want to control me and use me you bitch!”

“SILENCE!” She shouts angrily.  Kimberly is unable to respond.  A few moments later The Woman Scorned nods approvingly. “Good, now listen and listen well; I may be using you right now but I am up front with you about it and at least I am using you in order to assist both of us.  By the time I am finished, you will be the heir that I always knew you could become.  Your family, those you claim to love you, use you constantly.  Your half-sisters, Kelly and Jessica, refuse to associate with you because they view you as a monster.  Your own mother refuses to associate with you.”

“But Marie…”

“Ah yes, Marie,” she nods her head “Marie Jones, you beloved twin sister, used you to become SCW World Tag Team Champion.  She uses you to this day because she views you as a weapon.  Get this straight right now, my child, I am helping you not hurting you.  You tried to make your own judgment calls ever since you murdered me and how did that work out for you?  You’ve become a laughing stock.  People in SCW either fear you or think you are some kind of comic relief.  No one respects you.  I let you try and prove me wrong at the End of the Year Battle Royal but you failed spectacularly.”

The shakes her head. “No more second chances, Kimberly.  I am in charge now, just like old times.”

The Woman Scorned goes back to primping and preening in front of the mirror.  Deep inside her head Kimberly is still there, contemplating.  Thinking about what Emma just said.  Finally, “will you ever let me back out?”

“Yes, I will.  I am not a tyrant, my child.  But when I let you out it will be at appropriate times.”

“What the fuck do you mean by appropriate?”

“Language.” Emma remarks sternly. “As for when, you will know.  For instance, you have a Bloodlust Title shot in Underground coming up.  I will probably let you lead the charge in that one.  But coming up in SCW you face the new World Champion James Evans in one on one competition.  A victory against him will do wonders for your career and I cannot afford to give you the chance to screw it up.”

She is on a roll as a smug smile forms upon her gorgeous features.  And they are indeed gorgeous features, even if they are not hers, but Kimberly’s.  Poor little Kimberly, Emma thinks.  Kimberly doesn’t even realize or appreciate what she has.  But soon she will learn to appreciate it all and she will learn how to use it to her fullest advantage.  Emma is in control and is not letting go until Kimberly has once again become the warped, cold hearted, manipulative monster that she once was before Marie ruined it, before Marie made Kimberly soft.  They are startled when knocking is heard at the door…

“Kimberly...are you ready yet?”

That’s Kimberly’s sister, Marie Jones.  She turns around in time to see the door opening.  Marie enters the room unexpectedly and this causes a shock in the system of Kimberly Williams.  She loses her balance ever so slightly and Jones notices this.

“Kim?  Are you ok?”

“Huh?” Quickly she regains her composure.  She looks up and sees her sister standing there and her eyes grow wide. “Run, Marie!  Run!  It’s a trap!”

“What?” Marie is thoroughly confused by this point.  She has no clue what is going with her twin sister but she isn’t going to stop.  She slowly approaches her.  Eventually Kimberly again seems to lose her balance but again quickly regains it, this time with Marie’s help. “What’s wrong?”

She looks up into Marie’s eyes and forces a smile upon her face. “Oh I was just trying to think of where that cute little internet meme came from.”


“Yes, a meme.  The weird fish looking person who says ‘it’s a trap’...where did that come from?”

“Star Wars…” Marie is skeptical, very skeptical, but answers nonetheless.

“Thank you, my sister.  It does bother me oh so much when I cannot remember something and I just couldn’t remember where that came from.  So my thanks, sister.”

“Right…” Marie is still skeptical but decides to ignore her doubts for now “...uh, are you just about ready to go shopping?”

“I will be soon, dear.” She nods her head. “I was just looking at myself in your dress...which is absolutely fab, by the way.  You have great taste.”

“Thank you.  I admit that I am kinda surprised that you wanted to borrow it.  I didn’t think it was your style.”

“There are many things you do not know about me, sister.” She winks playfully. “By the way, I do love this dress but can I also try the red one?  It flatters my figure oh so nicely!”

“Yeah, absolutely.” Marie nods her head. “Anything you need, Kim.”

“Thank you, dear.  It may take a little while longer, though.  Are you fine with that?”

“Sure…” Marie rolls her eyes “...anyway, take as much time as you need.  I will be downstairs when you’re ready to go.”

“Thank you!  Hugs and kisses!”

“Yeah, hugs and kisses…” Marie says as she makes her exit out of the bedroom, shutting the door behind her.  As soon as Jones is gone, she turns to face the mirror and glares angrily with hate.

“Do not do that again, Kimberly!  You damn near ruined it!”

“Ruined it for you!”

“Ruined it for both of us!” She snaps back. “I am trying to help you, remember that!  What did you honestly expect to happen, huh?  Did you expect Marie to rescue you from me?  Allow me to bring you back down to reality, my child; if any of your family, Marie included, were to ever find out about me, you would be institutionalized again and this time you may never get out.  Is that what you want?”

“I don’t want to go back to the loony bin.  Never again.  Never, ever, ever again.”

“Then do as you are told.  Deal?”

“But you talk as if you are real.  I mean, maybe you’re not real?  Maybe I am just crazy and you’re a voice in my head.  How would you even know?”

“You do raise quite a valid point, my child.” She shrugs her shoulders. “I would have no way of knowing for certain.  But I have a strong suspicion, furthermore I know what I want.”

She leaves the full length mirror and approaches the nightstand by her bed.  She opens the drawer and produces a human skull, the same human skull Kimberly had found back in the old run down shack in the woods.  It is Emma’s skull, the last of her remains.  She smirks down at this skull.

“I just want to live again.”

January 4th, 2020
Boston, Massachusetts
Off Camera

We open in Boston, Massachusetts, at the special private gym owned by Angelica Jones herself, we see a gym that is in disrepair and whose better days have long since gone.  The concrete floor is gray and the walls are painted an off-white color, at least the walls that still have paint on them, as most of the paint on the walls have begun to peel.  There is a standard wrestling set up in the center, weights scattered all over the floor.  At one of the far ends of the room is a red heavy bag.  In the background we see a standard wrestling ring.  The ring has black ropes and a black apron but the mat is a Carolina sky blue.  This training area utilized by the Jones family is all but empty with the exception of none other than The Woman Scorned, who stands on the outside drilling a crimson red heavy bag with vicious rights, lefts, and martial arts kicks.

“Good job, my child.  I knew you had it in you.”

“Shut up…” Kimberly remarks angrily but still doesn’t stop as she continues blasting the heavy bag.  Williams is wearing a pair of tight shorts, tennis shoes, and a black “I Groped Mr. D” t-shirt.

“So much anger and hatred.  I like this.  Use it!”

“That anger is directed at you, Emma!” Kimberly snaps back as she connects with a roundhouse kick to the heavy bag.

“It really does not matter where that anger and hatred is directed, just so long as you use it to maintain your focus upon the task at hand.”

“Yeah and so far the task at hand has only been to help you!”

“Wrong.  But I am not angry with you, just disappointed.  Emotional reactions such as this are normal and acceptable but you must learn to focus.”

“I am not emotional!” Kimberly is screaming by now as she connects with a series of rights and lefts to the heavy bag.

“Of course you are not emotional.  You are just destroying that heavy bag for the fun of it.”

Kimberly drops down to the floor on her hands and knees.  The redhead begins crying, tears flowing freely down her cheek. “Stop it…”

“Stop what?  Stop being tough?  I am tough because I care.  I am tough because I want to help you grow and mature as a woman and as a competitor.”

“Bullshit.  You don’t care.”

“Yes, yes I do.  In fact, I am the only one who cares about you.  How about the beloved family of yours?  Marie was ‘too busy’ to come train with you.  Jessica is hanging out with her father’s deranged family.  And Kelly is probably being corrupted by your ridiculous aunt Kayla.  All of the Jones family was too busy for you.  No one cares about you...except me.”

Kimberly hears these words inside of her head.  They hurt and are very painful but at the same time a part of her believes them to be true.  Williams pushes herself back to her feet and then walks over to the ring.

“Did I say you could stop?!”

“Fuck off, Emma!” Kimberly snaps back as she ignores the voice’s command.  She continues to walk towards the ring before hopping up on the ring apron.  She sits there for several moments, just thinking.

“You are wasting time, child!”

“Shut up, Emma!  Just shut up!” Kimberly knows what she wants to do.  She reaches into her pocket and produces a small mobile phone.  She pulls up her contacts until she finds one that reads “Tommy Wasley”.

“Who the hell is that buffoon?”

“Tommy Wasley.  He’s my friend.”

“He is not your friend, Kimberly.  He is…”

“FUCK YOU!” Kimberly shouts angrily.  She hops up off of the ring apron and starts to dial Tommy’s number.  She knows what she wants right now; she wants a friend, not a drill sergeant.  She puts the phone to her ear and awaits his answer.  Finally, for the first time in the weeks since Emma’s shocking return to her life, Kimberly is smiling.  A pleasant, happy smile as she anxiously awaits her friend to answer.

As for Emma...this won’t do...not at all.  If this Wasley is going to take her child from her then she will just have to do something about him…

On Camera

Hi Uncle James…

Awkward, much?  Maybe.  But not too far from the truth and I know why; I know why especially since I do my homework.  I always do my homework and so I know what makes our encounter oh so special, Mr. World Champion; or should I just continue calling you Uncle James?  I mean, you and my mom were so close.  Closer than siblings.

That’s right, Jimmy; I am a Jones.  Shocking?  It shouldn’t be.  I mean damn, Marie and I are identical twins.  We were SCW World Tag Team Champions under the name TWIN magic.  We are sisters.  We share the same mother.  Her mother, Angelica Jones, is also mine.  But I understand if you never realized that, because I’m sure so many other people out there also failed to realize that I was more than just Marie’s twin, failed to realize that I was more than just The Woman Scorned, and failed to realize that I was more than just Kimberly Williams.  For so long people have looked upon me as either crazy Kim or Marie’s pet monster.

How wrong that is…

But you and Angelica were tag team champions once upon a time.  You called yourselves Redemption because you both wanted to redeem yourselves from your vile, sinful past.  My sister has helped me to redeem myself but I also have come to realize that I have to come to terms and maybe even embrace my past.  If you do not learn from your past you will be doomed to repeat it.  Tell me I’m wrong.

So I definitely believe in Redemption because I have lived the story of Redemption.

I am every bit a Jones as Angelica and Marie and it is time for me to prove that to the entire world.


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