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Politics & War

On Camera

“Politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed.”
-Mao Zedong

To say that we’ve been at war for a long time is an understatement, and it all started back when Dark Fantasy framed Kennedy Street for a crime she didn’t commit.  It all started when they tried to ruin her reputation all in an attempt to gain a foothold in the world championship scene here in SCW.  And it grew in intensity from Mr. D trying to hold them back, to Dark Fantasy infiltrating his power structure using his own daughter Katya.  Then it evolved into a sibling rivalry between Katya and Sasha at Making Things Right.  And just when everyone thought the political war was over after Katya’s four week rule, we are now prepared for another battle.  This time the phyiscal battle.  The Real battle to end all battles.

Tactical Warfare.

Say that you will about Katya, but I think everyone in this match can agree that there has been corruption of some sort running rampant within this great company.  We may disagree over who is to blame and we may disagree over how to fix the problem.  That’s what this match is going to attempt to solve.  But we do agree that there has been corruption, there has been problems, and those problems must be addressed.

Which makes it appropriate that I quote Mao Zedong.  An estimated sixty-five million Chinese died under his rule.

Eat your hearts out, Stalin and Hitler.

When politics fails to provide a solution, warfare historically has followed.  Leaving the 20th century let’s flashback to early United States.  At the drafting of the Declaration of Independence the political battle over slavery and what to do with it had been waged.  From 1776 up until 1861 the political battle was being fought by multiple sides until finally war eventually broke out and while the question of civil rights had been far from resolved, the question of slavery had definitively been ended once and for all.

Katya had four weeks of full, uninterrupted, unhindered control of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  It was under her tenure that I finally got the opportunity that I so richly deserved.

Don’t get me wrong; I have a great deal of respect for Mr. D, he swore that I would get the opportunities in SCW that companies like UWA would not grant me.  And for a time he did give me just that.  Under his rule I got the opportunity to become SCW Television Champion and SCW United States Champion.  And I am proud of both accomplishments.

But I didn’t come to SCW to be Television Champion.  I didn’t sign my SCW contract so I could win the SCW United States Championship.  I signed with this company so I could get an opportunity at the SCW World Championship because UWA refused to grant me the world title rematch I deserved.

Katya saw that I deserved that opportunity and she made sure that I got to compete for the World Championship.  As much as I do respect and enjoy fan support, I didn’t have to rely on fans to put me into the title match.  I never wanted to get the title match that way.  I wanted it because I had earned it.

Katya has proven herself.  No, I don’t trust Dark Fantasy, but I do trust Katya, so I am willing to fight for her vision of SCW.  And if you don’t like her vision, well, that’s fine, but at least she HAS a vision for Supreme Championship Wrestling.

Do you really want Sienna Swann’s vision of SCW to become a reality?  That self-absorbed narcissist doesn’t need full control of SCW.  She has enough yes men and yes women as it is kissing her pompous ass.

Do you really want a maniacal freak like Giovanni Aries to shape SCW into his own insane image?

No, it’s got to either be Sasha or Katya and my money is on the devil I know, not the devil I don’t know.

The time for politics is over.  Time to shed blood.  Time for war.

March 7th, 2019
Off Camera

This run down home would appear, at first glance, to be abandoned.  It appears to be un-kept and completely ignored, allowing time to do its dirty work of destruction.  Sections of ceiling hang limp in the stagnant air. Fragments of plaster lie damp over a long un-trodden floor, their only purpose to soak in the seasonal rain. Cold water seeps through window frames, rotten and blistered, to nurse the mildew and rise up wallpapers that peel.  Dust lay over every surface like dirty snow, pristine dust layer, not a foot print anywhere, dust bunnies the size of bowling balls tumbled across the floor boards toward unseen skittles, free papers piled up to the letter box and cascaded all the way to the foot of the rough wooden stairs, old tea cups lay on a coffee table thickly encrusted with dried up mould, dust covered mirrors, smell of mildew, stale air, air thick with dust, shafts of light bursting through gaps in the boarded up window, light streaming through the gaps in the heavy velvet curtains, absolute silence, not even the hum of a refrigerator, the houses only occupants weaved their webs between the spindles of the stair banisters and from the ceiling to the wall, old cobwebs billowed in the draft.

It may not look like much, and most would consider these conditions to be unlivable, but for Kimberly Williams this is home. Kimberly has never wanted much in life, not since gaining a slight (stress on the word “slight”) foothold on her sanity and not since she faced down her past demons.  Doing that helped Kimberly gain perspective upon life and, in her own twisted way, made her thankful for what she has.  So no, the raggedy sofa she currently finds herself lying on is not the most comfortable in the world.  In fact, it is quite stiff and any normal human being would get back problems if they were to stay on it for an extended period of time.  But Kimberly likes it.  And that’s all that matters to her.  Kimberly is staring with a bright grin at a cage that sits on a dusty red coffee table.  Inside that cage is a hamster.

That hamster, named Caligula, is one of her closest friends.  Yes, it’s crazy to think of a friendship between a human and a hamster, but this is Kimberly we’re talking about.  She knows that she can talk to him about her problems and he’ll listen, even if it means he’ll provide some unique advice.

Despite her smile, Kimberly does have problems that she has to deal with.  She is about to enter the Tactical Warfare Match fighting alongside her twin sister Marie Jones and Dark Fantasy against three other teams for control of Supreme Championship Wrestling.  If Kim, Marie, and Dark Fantasy are victorious, Katya remains in control.  And Kimberly knows that Katya running the company is a bad idea.  And she feels extremely dirty helping Syren and Ravyn to accomplish this goal.

Damn her moral compass!  Damn her conscience!  Things were so much easier when she was not in touch with morality or her conscience!  Yet she does know right from wrong and she knows helping Katya is wrong but she cannot abandon her sister, Marie.  Her morality is making her stay, making her fight by Marie’s side.

Why would she sacrifice so much for Marie?  Some in SCW have asked that very question.  None of them understand.  None of them could possibly understand the way Kimberly feels right now.  They would not understand the quandary she is in.

Well, Caligula might understand…

“Oh Caligula, be thankful that you’re just a hamster.” Kimberly muses out loud.

“Just a hamster?  I’m a gangsta hamsta, woman!”

“Gangsta hamsta, that’s funny.” Kimberly chuckles. “I feel like I’m in a gang.  The mafia, maybe.  Katya is a fat Marlon Brando telling Marie that she’ll make her an offer she can’t refuse.  I wonder if that makes Syren Sonny and therefore Ravyn is the brown haired chick Sonny fucks in the hallway?”

“You watch too much television when you SHOULD be feeding my happy ass!  Now get me some food or expect a horse head in your bed!”

“Hold your horses, Caligula.” Kimberly smirks. “Horses...I made a funny!”

“No you didn’t.”

“I did!  And if Katya is Vito, Syren is Sonny, that makes me Fredo.  The one who keeps getting kicked around and bullied and all that shit.”

“You’re nuts.”

“Yes, yes, I know.  I’m talking to a hamster AND providing said hamster’s voice.  So yes, I know I’m crazy.  But this helps me cope.”

Kimberly swings her legs over the side and sits up on the sofa.  She reaches inside the cage and pulls Caligula out and places him on her lap as she strokes his back.

“It isn’t easy being me.  It never has been, but I guess it was much easier back when I was just a simple minded sociopathic nutjob.”

“You still are simple minded.”

“Don’t interrupt me, Caligula!” Kimberly exclaims. “But yeah, back then I didn’t have a care in the world.  I didn’t think about right or wrong, I just did whatever the hell I felt like doing at the time.  But then Marie gave me a conscience…”

The Woman Scorned shakes her head “...I hate her for that.  Now things aren’t easy for me.  I actually feel guilt.  Guilt sucks.  Morality sucks.  And I feel a fuck-ton of guilt because I’m helping two of the worst people in SCW right now.  I’m going to try and help them gain full control of SCW.”

“Why the fuck are you doing that shit?”

“Because Marie wants me to.”

“If Marie asked you to jump off a cliff, would you?”

“Like skydiving?  Cause skydiving is fun!” Kimberly says with a huge grin.

“No, you idiot!  Like walking off a cliff and you have no fucking parachute to save your crazy ass!  Would you do that if she asked you?”

“Uh…” Kimberly thinks about it for a moment before nodding her head “...yeah, I guess.  I’m sure Marie would have her reasons.”

“Then you’re not crazy.  You’re just stupid.”

“I know it’s wrong, Caligula, but it’s for Marie.  What do I do?”

“I think you should follow your conscience.  What does that ugly bitch know?”

“Ugly?” Kimberly frowns. “We’re identical twins.  Are you saying I’m ugly too?”

“Damn right.”

“Oh…” Kimberly shrugs her shoulders “...ok, just checking.”

Before this unusual “conversation” (if you really want to call it that considering Kimberly is basically talking to herself) can proceed any further, The Wild Card hears her front door opening and shutting back.  Kimberly turns in time to see her identical twin sister, Marie Annabelle Jones, walking into the living room.

“Look, Caligula!  We have company!”

Immediately Kimberly hops up from the sofa.  She skips over to Marie, with Caligula in hand… “Give him a kiss!”

Kimberly shoves the hamster onto Marie’s lips.  Marie jerks back and starts wiping her mouth with her right hand. “Ugh!  Damn it!  What the hell, Kim?!”

“Ignore her.” Kimberly whispers to Caligula. “She loves you.”

Kimberly turns and walks back to the sofa.  She places Caligula back in his cage and then sits back on the sofa.  Marie sighs and shakes her head as she walks over and joints her twin sister on the sofa.

“So to what do I owe this pleasure?” Kimberly asks.

“We need to go over strategy.” Marie states. “Tactical Warfare is coming up and we need to be ready.”

“Strategy, eh?” Kimberly asks with a knowing grin. “I note that our tag partners, tweedle dumb and tweedle dumbass are not here.  If we’re talking strategy shouldn’t they be here too?”

“Uh, Syren and Ravyn couldn’t make it.”

“Is that so?” Kimberly chuckles.


“You know something, Marie?  You really are a terrible liar.”

“I am not lying!”

“Don’t worry, sis.  I’ll give you lessons on how to lie.  I’m good at it.”

“I’m NOT lying!” Marie exclaims as her frustration builds and she begins to lose her patience.

“I’m not a dummy, babe.  The Wonder Twins and their puppet Katya don’t trust me.  And they shouldn’t trust me.  I’d gut them if I had a chance.”

Marie sighs as she tilts her head. “Fine, you’re right.  I lied.  But seriously, Kim...what is it with you and them?  Why the animosity?”

“Because they are using you, Marie.”

“I get that.” Marie nods her head. “I really do, you think they’re using me.  It pisses you off.  But it seems as if you’re regressing.  I haven’t heard you talk like that before, like you want to maim them.  What’s wrong with you?”

“You knew who and what I was years ago when you came to visit me that first time at the mental hospital.  You do remember that day, right?”

October 2014
Off Camera

The visitation area is calm, in a tense and eerie sort of way.  It is almost as if the atmosphere itself is anticipating trouble.  And trouble very well could erupt, for it is Marie Annabelle Jones here at the local mental hospital visiting her identical twin sister, Kimberly Williams.  Tensions are completely understandable; it hadn’t been not too long ago that Kimberly was locked up in this institution for kidnapping her twin and replacing her.

Marie had known about her twin for quite some time now.  Kimberly had stalked Marie for a long time and made her life hell, attacking her at every turn in every aspect of her life.  Kimberly even trained to become a wrestler and took that on as her career so that she could stalk Marie in the sport of kings as well.  The Phoenix never knew that Kimberly would take things this far.  She never anticipated Kimberly would cross the legal line and kidnap her.

Yet it happened.  It was torment for Marie, being locked up in a basement and not knowing where she was or if she would ever get out.  It was mental, emotional, and physical anguish.  But her half-sister, Jessica Lasiewicz, found her and rescued her.  Marie owes a great debt to Jessica.

Jessica no doubt thinks this visit is a mistake.  If Jessica had her way, Kimberly would just remain locked up and forgotten.  But Marie can’t do that.  This is still their sister.  Regardless of how lost she may be, regardless of whatever last name she uses, Jones blood flows through her veins.  Marie cannot just let her rot away inside this mental institution.

Lucky for Marie, Kimberly was placed in a mental hospital run by a good friend of the Jones family; Dr. Jennifer Warren.  It is Dr. Warren who has set up this meeting between the twin sisters, their first meeting since the kidnapping episode.

Jones now sits at a table, with Dr. Warren standing up next to her.  They are waiting for the arrival of Kimberly Williams.

“Are you sure this is a good idea, Marie?” Dr. Warren quips, whispering quietly. “If you ask me, a meeting could help both of you, but it may be too soon.”

“I’m sure about this.” Marie answers with a defiant tone.  “You of all people should know that this is a long time coming.  You were there in Global Division of Wrestling working for them as a mental health advisor.  You witnessed everything she did in the public eye to torment not just me, but my mother as well.”

“I do remember.”

“And that’s only what she did publicly.  You don’t even know about the things she did in private, outside of the public eye, to torment us.”

“She has mentioned a few items to the doctors here at the hospital.”

“Did she tell you how she broke into mom’s house and threatened our baby sister Kelly?”

Dr. Warren sighs and nods her head. Marie continues. “These attacks from Kimberly have grown more and more in intensity.  By kidnapping me and replacing me she crossed a major line.  And if the pattern continues, if things continue to get more intense, then what does she do next if she’s allowed?”

“Yes, you make a good point, but you just said it...IF she’s allowed...she’s locked up now.  She’s going nowhere.”

“You don’t know her like I do.” Marie shakes her head. “Kim is smart.  Incredibly smart.  She’ll find a way out, even if it means playing nice until she gets out on good behavior, until she tricks you into thinking she’s cured.  Then once she’s out she’ll try to destroy the family all over again and she’ll raise the intensity level.”

“She tried to kidnap you.” Warren exclaims. “How can she raise the intensity beyond that?!”

“Kim will try.  And knowing Kim, she will find a way.  This has to end, Dr. Warren; and if that means taking this huge risk then so be it.”

“I hope you’re right.” Dr. Warren sighs and shakes her head.

The two women remain in silence as they wait for the inevitable and what will be a unique meeting.  That wait doesn’t last much longer as the door on the far end creeps open.  Two guards walk in on either side of Kimberly Williams.  A sinister sneer is written across her face.  She licks her lips as the guards walk her ever so closely.

“Well hello, Clarice!” Kimberly says with a snicker.

The guard somewhat roughly push her down into the chair opposite Marie at the table.  The guards stand there, remaining on either side of Marie to protect her from any possible attack from Kimberly.

“Oh, silly me, you’re not Clarice.  I’ll still eat your innards though!”

“Hello to you too, Kim.” Marie says flatly.

“Your sister is here to see you, Kim.” Dr. Warren states, trying her best to sound friendly. “Isn’t that nice?”

“I don’t have a sister.” Kimberly growls in response.

“Remember what we talked about, Kim?” Dr. Warren asks. “You do want to be healthy, don’t you?”

“I want to be healthy, but none of you will accept what it takes to make me healthy.” She points a finger at Marie. “Her blood staining this floor!  That will make me healthy!”

“Ok, that’s enough.” Dr. Warren shakes her head and motions to the guards.  Immediately they pick her up out of the chair, preparing to take her away, as she clearly is not cooperating.

“No, wait!  Stop!” Marie shouts.

“Marie, she’s clearly not cooperating.” Dr. Warren pleads with Marie. “We’re getting nowhere with this.  We’re wasting our time.”

“I want to talk to her, Dr. Warren.” Marie states defiantly.

“Fine…” Dr. Warren nods her head to the guards and they set Kimberly back down.

“That’s right, Beavis.  You and Butthead better put me down.  Go watch TV with Cornholio or some shit.  Maybe later we can have a three-way.  Sound nice, boys?” Kimberly says, mocking the guards.  Then the devious twin turns her glare back to Marie. “So you want to talk to little old me, is that it?  The golden girl, everyone’s beloved Marie who can do no wrong, wants to have a chat with the black sheep sister?”

“I never said you were a black sheep.”

“Bullshit!” Kimberly exclaims. “You and Angelica both wish I would just disappear from existence!  That’s why I’m here.  You and your pathetic mother want the world to forget about me so you locked me up in this dump.”

Kimberly throws her head back and laughs nastily. “But this hell hole won’t hold me.  And you know it.  So does the good doctor over there.  Each and every one of you knows that I will get out eventually.  And when I do then we’ll end this.  Because this little song and dance between you and me, it has to end eventually.  We cannot coexist in this world.  One of us has to be eliminated.  I tried to do it the easy way.  You had a nice new home in my basement.  Seriously, is my basement not good enough for you?  You had nice rats and vermin to keep you company.  I fed you once a week...if I remembered…”

Kimberly laughs an evil laugh “...but yes, this has to end, Marie.  One way or the other.”

“We actually agree on that.  This does need to end.” Marie states stoically.  Kimberly, for her part, is somewhat surprised to hear this from Marie and immediately perks up out of curiosity.

“Oh really?  So you want to end this cycle of violence too?  I have a suggestion.  Tell doc to get lost and take Beavis and Butthead here with her and we can throw down right here.  Fight to the death.”

“No, not like that.” Marie shakes her head. “You see, I agree that this cannot continue.  But I disagree with you when you claim that we cannot coexist.”

“You’re delusional.” Kimberly scoffs, rolling her eyes.

“That’s what I’m here to do, Kim.  That’s why I came.  I want to talk.  I want to try and understand.”

“Understand what?” Kimberly arches her brow out of curiosity. “Do you want to understand why I’m fucking crazy?  Or maybe you should look in the damn mirror and understand why I hate you.”

There is a long, tense pause as the twin sisters stare into one another’s eyes.  After awhile Kimberly smirks and lets out a light chuckle.

“That’s it, then, isn’t it?  You want to know why I hate you.”

“Maybe I just want to know why you kidnapped me?  My mom is known to be mentally unbalanced.  Dad is dead.  I have a son I have to raise on my own because the father, the guy who raped me, damn sure is out of the picture.  Why would you want to be me?”

“Oh poor little Marie.  She has such a rough life.  You are so full of shit.” Kimberly shakes her head. “Who wouldn’t want to be you?  You could main event Invictus for the IWC World Championship.  And yet you have it hard?”

“Kim…” Marie starts but Kimberly talks over her, interrupting.

“No, you shut up.  I’m not done.  I want to tell you about the time I spent pretending to be you.”

“I remember you posting practically nude pictures of your body on social media and getting laid by Kamijo.  Trying to ruin my reputation, much?”

“Kamijo was pretty good in bed, I must admit.  But I wasn’t trying to ruin your precious reputation.” She shakes her head. “You still don’t understand.  This is a waste of my fucking time.”

“No, it isn’t.” Marie answers quickly. “Tell me.  What don’t I understand?”

“You really want to know?”

“Yes, I do.” Marie nods her head.

“Angelica Jones and Sean Williams, they fought tooth and nail, they fought bitterly and violently, that’s where this whole issue between you and I started, as a feud between those two.  But were they fighting over me?” Kimberly shakes her head. “No, they were fighting over you.  Time and time again I have had to listen to Angelica say publicly that YOU are ‘the glue that holds’ her together.  I wonder how our other sisters feel about that?”

“Jessica doesn’t like it…” Marie admits, feeling a little shame.

“Now take me, for instance.  I was raised off in the middle of fucking nowhere by a freaking sociopath.  For all my life all I knew was her!  I had nothing and no one!  And she left me in this condition; I’m crazier than she is!  Who would want to be me?” Kimberly shakes her head and then points at Marie. “No, I don’t want to be me.  I wanted to be you.  You know what happened first when I walked into your home after kidnapping you and replacing you?”

Marie shakes her head. Kimberly continues. “Your son ran up to me.  He hugged me and said ‘I love you, mommy’...” a tear forms in her right eye “ one has ever told me that they loved me before.  I got that from a lot of people, actually.  Angelica...Kayla...your are a beloved individual, Marie.  And that’s what I wanted.”

Kimberly snickers as she wipes the tear from her eye. “But I guess I still haven’t had anyone tell me they love me, yet.  Your son, your family, your fans, they all thought they were talking to you.  You whine all the damn time about petty little things.  You have no fucking clue how good you have it.”

Marie is still hanging her head in shame.  She isn’t quite sure how to respond.  At first she was angry as she heard Kim go off on her but the more she listened the more she realized that Kimberly speaks a volume of truth.  Marie does complain a lot, not realizing just how good she has it.

“That’s why I kidnapped you.  And to be honest, that’s why we can never coexist.  I refuse to coexist with someone like you.”

“I’m not giving up on you, Kim.” Marie states quietly.


“I’m not giving up on you.  I will change, if necessary, because despite all of this, I do believe we can coexist.”

“Like I said, you’re delusional.”

Marie stands up alongside Dr. Warren; she feels that she has heard enough for now.  She turns to walk away but once she gets to the exit she turns and stops.  She turns back around. “Kimberly…”

“What is it now?!”

“...I love you.”

March 7th, 2019
Off Camera

“I do.” Marie answers, nodding her head.

“You told me that day that you loved me.  That was the first time anyone had ever told me that they had loved me.  And it got through to me, Marie.  Had you not told me that, I wouldn’t have made the progress I made.  You gave me a conscience.  You taught me right from wrong.  You taught  me about love.  But you cannot change who I am.  I am a sociopath.  I am psychotic.  So when I see Syren, Ravyn, and Katya hurting someone I love, it makes me want to maim them.”

Kimberly reaches out and takes Marie by her hands. “But you also said you were not giving up on me.  I didn’t believe it at the time but you were persistent as fuck…”

Marie can’t help but smile. “Well, we Jones women are known for having a nasty stubborn streak.”

“You were stubbornly persistent in your desire to help me and that proved to me that you meant it when you wanted to help me and that you weren’t going to give up on me.”

“I meant every word of it, Kim.”

“And that’s why I’m fighting on YOUR side in Tactical Warfare.  That’s why I’m ignoring the fact that this is wholly wrong and I am helping Team Katya anyway.  Because no matter how many times they put me down, I’ll keep pulling myself up for your sake.  I’m not giving up on you, Marie, until I have helped YOU the same way you once helped me.”

“I, uh…” Marie’s voice trails off for just a moment as her words are lost, but she quickly regains her composure “...I appreciate it, Kim.  I really do.”

“And I think I’m starting to get through to you.” Kimberly smirks. “Don’t think it went unnoticed that you refused to be on Dark Fantasy’s team unless I was with you.”

“Yeah, well about that…” Marie sighs and shakes her head “...I’m not saying you’re right, but I am saying that I do not trust them as much as I once did.  I just don’t know what to think right now in terms of who is right, whether Sasha is right or Katya is right.  I know for damn sure I don’t want that lunatic Giovanni Aries or Sienna Swann running things.”

“If you don’t know who you can trust, then why are you fighting so vehemently on Katya’s side?” Kimberly asks curiously.

“I know.  Kennedy asked the same thing.” Marie sighs. “Look, I have been screwed by so many authority figures.  I have a rare opportunity to have a say in how things are run here in SCW.  I’m not turning that opportunity away.”

“And now you’re being screwed by Katya.”

“Maybe I am?  I don’t know.  But I need to figure this out for myself.  So Kim, look into my eyes and promise that you will not cost us this match.”

“Marie…” Kimberly’s voice trails off.

“I mean it.  Swear to me you will fight for this team and try to win.”

“I can’t…at least not until we’ve cleared up one thing.”

“What’s that?”

“You went to hell and back to bring me back from the brink.   I’m going to hell and back for you to save you from the brink.  I want to hear it from your own mouth; do your loyalties lie first with Katya and Dark Fantasy or do your loyalties lie with the two of us, with Twin Magic?”

“Oh, Kim…” Marie wipes some tears from her eyes “ could you even ask that?  You know I’m with you until the end.”

“Lately I’m not so sure.  Your head is so far up Katya’s ass and all…”

Marie embraces Kimberly in a tight hug. “I love you, you idiot!  That love means more to me than Katya and Dark Fantasy!  It means more to me than the world championship!”

“I love you too, Marie.” After the embrace is broken, Kimberly smirks devilishly. “And I promise to maim and stabby and destroy the other teams in Tactical Warfare!”

“You promise?” Marie smiles warmly.

“I promise, hope to die, and hope to get eaten by warthogs because that sounds like a cool way to die.”

On Camera

“Insert metaphorical, thought inspiring quote here.”
-Kimberly Williams

Are you happy with yourselves?  Are you perfectly fucking happy with yourselves?  Syren couldn’t stand the spotlight not being on her.  She couldn’t stand not being World Champion.  So she and her doofus pal Ravyn along with The Canadian Living Mummy decided to pull off the ultimate heist.  The pulled off the ultimate hoax…

...and coming from me that’s saying a lot, because I am pretty damn proud of the Ginger Hoax me and Marie pulled off a while back, but that’s beside the point…

...then they manipulated the boss’s daughter into doing their bidding.  What’d it take?  One of those drugs that make the ladies a little loopy in the head?  I wouldn’t put it past you two bitches to do something like that.  Or maybe Katya is just that fucking stupid to buy into the crap you’re spewing?  Marie calls all it politics.  My mother calls it politics.  You know what I call it?


Complete and utter bullshit is what I call it.  After all of this bullshit you pulled what have you accomplished?  Well let’s see if we can list everything Dark Fuckery accomplished with their bullshit, shall we?

Number one, Syren won the World Championship.

Number two, they played with people’s lives, ruined people’s reputations, and pissed off basically everyone in the SCW locker room except their precious little inner circle.

Number three, they manipulated, screwed with, and hurt my sister which in turn pissed me off and made an enemy out of me!

So now we find ourselves in Tactical Warfare.  Four teams of four fighting for total control of this company.  Can you do the math, sweethearts, or are you really just a pair of sexed up bimbos who don’t know how to add?  If that’s the case, allow me to do the math for you.

That makes thirteen people in that match, locked up in that cage, all of whom want to your fucking heads off.

Thirteen?  Yeah.  I’m including myself in that number because I am making no bones about it, fuck tits, I don’t just distrust the two of you.  I hate the two of you.  I hate what you’re doing to Marie.  I am in this match on your team and I am fighting to win it all, but I am only doing it for Marie.  Not for you two clowns.  And the moment you two bitches slip up and hurt my sister, the moment you fuck up, all bets are off and I will be the one to tear your brain stem out from your nostrils.

So please, DAMN IT PLEASE, please screw up.   Please fuck up and hurt Marie or piss her off.  I am sick and tired of pretending to be a team player.  I am sick and tired of helping you two pathetic wastes of human space.  I want to give you the justice that you deserve and leave you lying in a pool of your own blood and, quite frankly, Tactical Warfare is a great place to do just that.

Yes, I ask if you really are happy with yourselves and proud of the chaos you have created.  Because now the supreme chaotic bitch is stepping into Tactical Warfare, along with twelve others who hate your guts, and you can only pray that you survive.  Pray that I don’t decide to go rogue and rip your fucking heart out because I will if given the chance.

Until then, I will be a team player.  That means there will be twelve victims, twelve unfortunate souls, locked inside of the cage with little old me!

Well...maybe eleven...hi mom!

So to the rest of you entering MY world of pain and bloodshed, listen very closely.  I do not give a damn about control of SCW.  I do not give a damn which of you nitwits ends up deciding the future of this company.  Katya, Sasha, Sienna Swann’s Ego, Lucifer, or Mr. Bunny Man, I don’t care at all.  I really and truthfully do not.  I am in this match for one reason and one reason only.

I am in this match to watch my sister’s back.  Getting to shed the blood of poor, innocent victims and having my own blood shed and getting to feel pain all the while inflicting pain on others, that’s just icing on the cake!  I’m really in this just to help my sister.

Funny, in a twisted sort of way I’m in this thing for purer motives than the lot of you.  And they call me a sociopath.

However this son of a bitch turns out, whether Sasha and The Justice League win out, or Giovanni’s Suicide Squad, or Sienna’s Avengers, or Katya’s Team Make America Great Again is victorious, it doesn’t really matter to me.  I’m entering the cage and I will leave broken bodies and blood in my wake.  And anyone who wants to target Marie specifically, well they can target ME specifically too.... fact, I welcome it.  Bring it on, you bunch of fuckers!  Let’s make this a real massacre!

Stabby, Stabby, Stabby!


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